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Light/Laser Therapies



Skintyte is an exciting new technology that makes your skin look tighter and feel firmer with no downtime. Skintyte is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes pulsed infrared light energy to rejuvenate sun damage and aging skin.


    • A series of pulses will be repeated over the treatment area to ensure best results. While the face and neck can typically be done within 30 minutes, the actual time will depend on the size of the area treated. There is no need for a topical anesthetic, however, your clinician may choose to use one on more sensitive areas.

    • You may experience some mild redness in the treated area immediately after treatment and this should return to normal within minutes. Since the SkinTyte procedure is non-invasive there is typically no downtime so you can resume regular activities immediately following the treatment. You can also apply makeup and sunscreen after each session.

    • SkinTyte procedure results may vary from patient to patient. SkinTyte is recommended for patients who desire moderate, noticeable skin improvement without having to undergo surgery. Full results often take up to four months.

    • The number of treatments needed will vary from patient to patient and your clinician can personalize a treatment plan based on the level of improvement you desire.

    • No special skincare regimen is required following the treatment. However, you should always protect your skin from direct sun exposure and use a good sunscreen. Your clinician will provide you with more information on what to expect as well as give you an aftercare plan to follow that will involve avoiding direct sun exposure and using sunscreen. ©2017 Sciton, Inc. All rights reserved. Sciton is a registered trademark and BBLTM and SkinTyteTM are trademarks of Sciton, Inc. Printed in USA 2600-026-00 Rev D 925 Commercial Street Palo Alto, California 94303 (888) 646-6999 • Skin Tyte is a treatment that delivers an advanced infra-red light to deeply heat your skin while cooling and protecting the entire surface at the same time. Light energy is distributed in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process, which leads to improved appearance of sagging skin.

ProFractional & Profractional XC

Profractional therapy is a quick and comfortable laser procedure with little downtime, used for improving the overall appearance of your skin. The procedure is performed in your physician’s office and can be custom-tailored to your specific skin conditions and desired outcome.

  • PRP
    • PRP(Platlet Rich Plasma) is frequently used to compliment and enhance the clinical outcomes with Profractional Laser treatment by concentrating the body’s own natural healing potential in PRP(Platelet Rich Plasma), Biological Growth Factors and Stem Cells are activated to further support the Regenerative Healing Process in tissue.

    • ProFractional uses a tiny laser beam to treat thousands of pinpoint areas of your skin. Because only a fraction of your skin is directly treated with the laser, the surrounding untreated tissue promotes rapid healing. This skin’s wound healing response creates new collagen which add firmness and resilience to the skin.

    • ProFractional Therapy is a quick and comfortable laser procedure with little downtime, used for improving the overall appearance of your skin. The procedure is performed in your physician’s office and can be custom tailored to your specific skin conditions and desired outcome. How does ProFractional work? ProFractional uses a tiny laser beam to treat thousands of pinpoint areas of your skin. Because only a fraction of your skin is directly treated with the laser, the surrounding untreated tissue promotes rapid healing. This skin’s wound healing response creates new collagen which add firmness and resilience to the skin. What is the primary application of ProFractional? Based on an assessment of your skin condition and cosmetic goals, your physician may choose to use ProFractional whenever a combination of resurfacing with minimal downtime is desired. What areas of the body can be treated? Most skin areas can be treated. Popular treatment areas are the face and neck, though many people also treat the chest and hands. You should discuss your needs with your physician. How many treatments will I need? Excellent results can be obtained in just one treatment, though the number of treatments may vary from patient to patient. Your physician can personalize a plan based on your specific needs and may choose to combine ProFractional Therapy with other aesthetic procedures to further personalize your treatment. What will happen during the procedure? Your skin will be cleaned in the treatment area and your eyes will be protected with safety shields. A laser handpiece will be positioned gently on the skin. When the laser energy is applied, you will hear a rapid succession of snapping sounds. The handpiece will be moved around to adjacent locations until the entire treatment area has been covered. The procedure normally takes 15 to 30 minutes. Will it be uncomfortable? ProFractional therapy is widely regarded as a comfortable procedure, usually tolerated with the use of a topical numbing cream or a local anesthetic, depending on the depth of treatment. What should I expect immediately after the treatment? Immediately following the procedure you may experience mild redness and a sensation resembling sunburn. Your physician will advise you on specific after-treatment care recommendations, which may include analgesics and application of an ointment to keep the skin moist. How long will it take to recover? Complete healing typically occurs within a few days and most patients usually feel comfortable enough to get back to work and apply makeup a day or two after the treatment. There will likely be some swelling that will subside within several days following the treatment. What aftercare do I need? You may be given skin care products and instructions on how to use them. Your skin will be sensitive to ultra-violet light after the procedure, so you must avoid direct sun exposure until fully healed. It is recommended that you always use some level of solar protection to avoid sun damage and premature aging of your skin. When should I expect results? As your skin heals in the days following your treatment, you may notice a general tightening effect. However, the true benefit of ProFractional is the collagen remodeling that occurs during the 4 to 6 months following your treatment.

MicroLaser Peel

MicroLaser Peel is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment option that can create a refreshed appearance and reduce pesky signs of aging. This Sciton treatment stimulates your body’s natural collagen production process, which helps provide your skin with structure for a smoother, youthful appearance. It can help treat deeper concerns by directly treating the dermis. Common concerns addressed with this treatment include acne scars, sun damage, wrinkles, and more. There is minimal downtime associated with a procedure, and you should be able to return to your normal daily activities in 3-5 days.


For starters, let’s tackle the source of what causes active acne. Deep below the surface of the skin is a gland called the sebaceous gland. It secretes oil into skin pores, which then allows the oil to flow to the surface of the skin. Acne is an abnormal impairment of this process. Instead of exiting the pore, the oil forms a plug. More oil accumulates behind that plug, it hardens, and then becomes a cyst. Bacteria feed on this buildup, which then causes inflammation and redness, otherwise known as active acne.

    • Laser for active acne is a noninvasive treatment that utilizes pulsed infrared light energy to reduce the oil secretions that produce acne, while reducing redness and inflammation in the skin. Here’s how it works: By gently heating your skin’s upper layers, pulsed light energy helps eliminate the bacteria that live on the surface of your skin and causes acne redness. The infrared laser targets your skin from the inside out, which decreases the amount of oil secretions caused by the sebaceous gland. This laser treatment for active acne and acne scars also helps stimulate tissue repair to reduce acne scars caused by the acne process.
      During this treatment, you will experience minimal discomfort at most. A warming sensation or a feeling of a rubber band snapping on your skin is common, but results will vary based on the level of treatment. Supplementary chemical therapies can be used in conjunction with this laser treatment. To produce the desired results, you will likely require 3 to 4 treatments over 2 to 4 week intervals. You will also need maintenance treatments.

    • Since laser treatment for active acne is considered non-invasive, there will be very little downtime post-procedure. Depending upon what your doctor says, you should be able to resume normal daily activities as soon as possible. After your treatment, you may experience some redness for a few hours, but again, your post-treatment results will vary based upon the area treated and how many treatments you have received. There will be post-care instructions that you will need to follow very carefully to ensure that the laser treatment works. This will also help reduce your risk of inflammation and redness while speeding up your recovery.

    • Boulder Plastic Surgery offers a laser treatment for active acne and acne scars, and if you would like to find out more about this treatment, you can schedule a consultation with us over the phone at 303-443-2277.

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