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5 Ways Liposuction Can Enhance Your Appearance

Even with a proper diet and adequate exercise, some people may still battle with trouble spots that don’t respond to the effort made toward a healthier lifestyle. For some, these problem areas can be a constant issue, even after achieving a major weight loss or fitness goal.

In many cases, there are cosmetic procedures that target these areas to help create the smooth profile you desire. Although many people associate liposuction with removing excess fat around the abdomen, this procedure can be performed on other areas of the body as well. Listed below are five ways that liposuction can be used to enhance your appearance.

Eliminate a Bulging Torso: Women tend to worry about this area because the fatty deposits on the back and upper torso are more noticeable while wearing a bra or bathing suit. Liposuction can help minimize the excess fat in this area for a more streamlined look.

Shape Up “Cankles”: There should be a noticeable transition from ankle to calf, but sometimes fatty deposits can blur that line. Leg liposuction can help shape up the calves and ankles to make the transition from calf to ankle more defined.

Reshape the Breasts: Large breasts can be a cause of major discomfort for some women. Excessive fatty tissue in the breasts can leave stretch marks, create back pain, and make you feel self-conscious. Liposuction is the “scarless” solution to breast reduction, as it subtly reshapes the breasts.

Define Pectorals: Females aren’t the only ones that worry about the breast area. Many men deal with fatty deposits in the pectoral area, which is called gynecomastia. This condition has many causes: fluctuating hormones, heredity, obesity, or the use of certain drugs. Liposuction can create more muscle definition in that area.

Slim the Jawline: When fat deposits build up near the jawline, it can create a “double chin.” The appearance of jowls can make you appear older. With the help of liposuction, you can have a sharper jawline and a younger look.

Learn More About Liposuction at Boulder Plastic Surgery

Liposuction is a versatile procedure, creating a slimmer and smoother profile for both men and women. If problem areas are making you feel self-conscious, schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. At this initial meeting, our doctors will discuss the best possible course of action to give you the results you desire. For more information, contact us today by calling (303) 578-4193.

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