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A Face Lift Dramatically Diminishes the Effects of Aging

Face LiftSome of the earliest signs of aging can be seen on our face, which is why face lifts are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures undergone by patients. If you want to learn more about looking younger and more refreshed with a face lift in the Denver area, consult with the doctors at Boulder Plastic Surgery to see how dramatically we can improve your appearance and self-esteem.

What to Expect From Face Lift Surgery

As we age, our skin naturally loses elasticity, causing loose skin to sag and pull our features down. Sagging jowls, droopy eyes, deep facial creases, relaxed facial muscle tone, and a flabby neck can make us look more tired, worn out, and older than our actual age. A face lift can restore a youthful appearance by surgically removing excess fat pockets and pulling back the skin so it no longer hangs and drags. Many patients also opt to have an eyebrow lift performed at the same time to lift the sagging skin above the eyes and brow bone to further enhance results.

Denver patients who want to undergo a face lift should be non-smokers in good health. The surgery itself takes about 4 hours, with most of the initial healing occurring within 8 weeks after surgery, during which time patients may have to wear a neck strap to support healing skin. Patients will have to remain home from work for about 2 weeks, and slowly incorporate light exercise after that. Full recovery and visible results takes between 6 and 12 months.

A face lift costs anywhere between $11,000 and $12,500 depending on your specific needs, but is far more effective than temporary non-surgical anti-aging treatments such as Botox or injectable fillers. While every patient’s results vary and no surgery can halt the natural aging process, most patients see tangible results for 5 to 10 years.

Schedule Your Face Lift at Boulder Plastic Surgery

When the non-surgical procedures and skin buffing spa treatments no longer make you look and feel as young and refreshed as you’d like, a face lift can give you the results you’re looking for. Denver patients can schedule a consultation with the doctors at Boulder Plastic Surgery to discuss the options and projected results that a face lift can deliver.

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