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Abdominoplasty: What is a Tummy Tuck?

tummy tuckAs folks progress in age, or in the event of excessive weight gain, the layer of fat between the substantial abdominal muscle layer and abdominal skin tends to bulge. This is especially apparent in the lower abdominal area, as age or lack of exercise can cause the musculature behind this layer of fat to loosen. If you’re in the Denver area and you are currently unhappy with the way your abdomen appears despite all non-surgical efforts to reduce excess fat, consider a consultation with Boulder Plastic Surgery for an abdominoplasty, or what is more commonly known as a “tummy tuck”.

What to Expect From a Tummy Tuck Procedure

First and foremost, the amount of tissue removed entirely during an abdominoplasty procedure is only about three to five pounds. This procedure is not intended for meeting weight loss goals. Rather, the purpose is to re-position and tighten loose structures, remove excess tissue where possible, and provide an improvement in the contour of the abdomen. While using the term “tummy tuck” to refer to abdominoplasty might imply a minor procedure, this is not the case.

An abdominoplasty is actually a major procedure that focuses on tightening the underlying musculature of the abdomen to provide a solid framework for the rest of the procedure while re-positioning tissue. This will provide long-lasting results, a very noticeable improvement in abdominal contours, increased versatility in the types of clothing you can wear, and an overall improved self-image.

Factors to be Aware of Before and After Your Procedure

Good general health is highly recommended before undergoing an abdominoplasty procedure for best results. We encourage healthy nutritional habits here at Boulder Plastic Surgery, so we use nutritional supplements to help reduce downtime post-procedure and to help the healing process along. The initial healing process can last anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks, with the first 1 to 3 weeks being a significant adjustment period to your new appearance.

Is an Abdominoplasty Right For You?

If you’re interested in having an abdominoplasty done, we would be happy to consult with you at our home office in Boulder. Pricing for this procedure will vary based on a host of factors, which we will discuss with you during your visit. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please feel free to contact us at (303) 443-2277. We look forward to speaking with you!

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