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IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) also known as BBL (Broad Band Light) for Laser Scar Revision

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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL therapy) and Broad Band Light (BBL treatment) treat more than fine lines and abnormal pigmentation. IPL therapy and BBL treatments are commonly used for scar revision as well. During this typically gentle procedure, highly concentrated and high intensity pulsed of light targets unwanted skin cells to minimize the look of a scar.

What is IPL/BBL for Scar Revision?

An IPL/BBL treatment for scar revision targets the redness of the scar. The beams of light penetrate the outer layers of the skin, and because the wavelengths are attracted to the pigment of the scar, no damage is caused to the surrounding skin tissue. Depending of the severity of the scar, the procedure can take between 15 minutes and one hour to complete.

How are IPL/BBL Treatments Different from Laser Scar Revision?

There are a couple of factors that differentiate IPL/BBL treatments from traditional laser scar revision. The two treatments vary in terms of technology and recovery time.

How Many Treatments Will I Require?

One IPL/BBL treatment won’t make a scar disappear. The number of treatments you receive entirely depends upon the visibility of the scar. Some scars may require two to five treatments, possibly more. To achieve desired results, these procedures are performed every four to eight weeks. Even after several treatments, a scar will not completely disappear, but most patients notice a significant improvement.

What to Expect After the Procedure

IPL/BBL for laser scar revision is a safe and gentle procedure, which requires little to no downtime. The treated area might feel sensitive soon after a scar revision treatment, but it will go away. To minimize irritation, remember these tips until the area is fully healed:

Contact IV Seasons Skin Care for More Information

For more information about IPL/BBL for scar revision, contact us at (303) 731- 3881. We will be delighted to answer any questions you may have or help you set up a consultation.

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