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Boulder Plastic Surgery Looks Forward to BRA Day

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Here at Boulder Plastic Surgery, a leading facility for breast reconstruction surgery in the Denver area, we are excited for this year’s upcoming BRA Day, or Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day. This commemorative day was created to increase awareness about post-mastectomy reconstruction choices, and to inform women of their several options. Many women, as they endure the challenges and obstacles of breast cancer, do not realize that there are several options for breast reconstruction, or that these procedures can be customized to each patient’s specific type of cancer, personal preferences, and body dimensions. BRA day looks to educate as many women as possible about the benefits of these procedures.

Awareness and Education are Key

People may wonder why Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day is needed, since many assume that patients with breast cancer who undergo mastectomies are fully informed about their post-mastectomy treatment options. In reality, not all patients are given information about reconstruction procedures during diagnosis and treatment, and they are not referred to surgeons who can perform these procedures for them.

BRA Day is a critical aspect in the breast cancer treatment education process. Studies have shown that patients who go through reconstruction have significant increases in their well-being–socially, psychologically, and sexually. Having a reconstructive procedure may not be every woman’s choice, but each woman should have the choice and know their options.

Promoters of BRA Day are hoping to advance the initiative and the recognition of the annual day that raises awareness and accessibility to reconstructive breast surgery. BRA Day takes place on October 16th this year, and more information can be found at

Call Boulder Plastic Surgery For More Information

If you are considering having reconstructive breast surgery, or would just like more information about the procedure, contact Boulder Plastic Surgery at (303) 443-2277 to make an appointment for a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. We look forward to assisting you!

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