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Breast Implant Removal is Quite Common, and Happens for Many Reasons

Undergoing a major cosmetic surgery is no light decision. Oftentimes, when one makes the decision for a breast implant, it’s one that’s weighed heavily and is the result of a great deal of thought. Sometimes, though, it simply doesn’t work out; for one reason or another breast implants need removal, and under those circumstances it’s possible to actually reverse the procedure. We at Boulder Plastic Surgery want those either considering a breast implant or those second-guessing their decision to know that it’s perfectly normal to desire a removal, be it for personal preference or medical reasons.

Second Thoughts

Oftentimes the patient has some mixed feelings about a recently installed breast implant, and having a change of heart is something we can deal with. Many times the silicone or saline pouches don’t feel authentic enough, and they’re found uncanny by friends or relatives. Other times, past implants no longer reflect the woman’s identity; what once suited her during her youth no longer feels appropriate due to age, pregnancy, or drastic change in weight. If this is the case, then all it takes is a call to your local plastic surgeon to help remedy the situation. Some people even grow concerned over their overall safety with the enhancements; fearing that they’ll rupture or make breast cancer detection more difficult.

Health Concerns

It’s true, although rare, that sometimes breast implants can cause some slight health problems and would need to be removed not by personal preference, but because it’s in the patient’s best health to do so. Concerns about the implant rupturing are not unfounded, as up to 10% of saline implants rupture at about the ten year mark while the same percentage of silicone fails about 5 years in. If this is the case, removal is necessary, although the patient has the option to simply replace the damaged implant with a new one. Women diagnosed with breast cancer are also advised to remove their breast enhancements before undergoing radiation treatment in order to make it more effective.

As Always, Ask

If any of the above reasons might apply to you and you are contemplating a breast enhancement procedure, the absolute best possible course of action is to consult an expert. Luckily for you, Boulder Plastic Surgery has a well-trained expert staff on hand to answer all of your questions about any plastic surgery procedures you may be considering. Just make an appointment and we’ll be sure to quell any concerns you may have.

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