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Having Breast Implants Removed at Boulder Plastic Surgery

Breast Implant Removal at Boulder Plastic Surgery

Breast Reduction

Breast implant removal usually isn’t considered when planning a breast augmentation surgery, but there are many reasons why breast implants may need to be removed eventually. Some women may have a reaction to the implants and can develop an infection. Asymmetry, rupture, wrinkling, shifting, or dissatisfaction with surgical outcomes can also be reasons for removal of breast implants. If you wish to explore your options for breast implant removal or correction, visit us at Boulder Plastic Surgery.

Breast Implant Removal and Recovery at Boulder Plastic Surgery

Removal of breast implants is usually performed through the same point of entrance where the implants were inserted during your breast augmentation surgery. The procedure takes about an hour to perform, with either intravenous sedation or under general anesthesia. If saline implants are to be removed, deflation may be necessary first. Complications or risk factors of breast implant removal may include loose skin, infection, scarring, or breast sagging, and your surgeon will discuss whether or not any additional procedures may be necessary in order to achieve optimal post-surgical results. There are several factors that help determine this outcome, such as the elasticity of your skin, the size of the original implants, and any changes in breast tissue since your breast augmentation.

Recovery should take a week or less, and any strenuous activity should be limited temporarily. Mild discomfort or slight swelling may be apparent for the first few days after surgery. With the removal of scar tissue, discomfort may be more prominent. Most people are able to return back to work within the first week of recovery. There are additional procedures that can be combined with breast implant removal to yield the desired results, and these options should be discussed with your surgeon during your initial consultation.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Contact us at Boulder Plastic Surgery for a consultation with our experienced surgeons. We also offer the newest technology and the latest treatment methods in the cosmetic surgery field. Our professional friendly staff aims for your optimal wellness and satisfaction. Come discuss your cosmetic surgery options with us today.

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