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Breast Reconstruction Surgery with a Flap: How to Prepare

If you have received a mastectomy, we offer breast reconstruction in the Denver area at Boulder Plastic Surgery that is safe, effective, and affordable. The goal of this procedure is to restore your silhouette to its appearance before surgery. While breast reconstruction surgery with a flap is the most complex treatment of its nature, it is arguably the most effective and aesthetically natural. Before undergoing this procedure, there are some steps you must take to prepare.

How to Prepare for Your Surgery

First and foremost, you will need to consult with one of our plastic surgeons so that they can develop the best plan of action. Everything from your body type to your health status will determine what surgical option will yield the best results. Next, your surgeon will discuss anesthesia, where your surgery will take place, and provide instructions on how to prepare for breast reconstruction surgery. This will include some restrictions on your diet and a review of any current medications you are taking.

What to Expect During the Surgery

Breast reconstruction surgery with a flap involves the transfer of various tissues, including a section of skin, fat, muscle, and blood vessels, from one part of your body to your breast. This will be used to create a breast mound, and in some cases, a breast implant can be implemented to provide the desired shape. The two most common forms of flap procedures are:

Tissue can be taken from your abdomen, back, buttocks, or your inner thigh to create a new breast mound.

What to Expect after the Procedure

After your surgery, your body will be in recovery mode. You might feel tired and sore for some time post-procedure, typically a few weeks at the most. Drainage tubes will likely be in place to keep swelling down and prevent fluid from collecting at the surgical site. A return to normal activities can take up to six weeks or more depending on a number of factors. Your surgeon will inform you of any restrictions on strenuous activities based on your particular case.

Consider Breast Reconstruction Surgery at Boulder Plastic Surgery

If you’re in the Denver area and thinking about a breast reconstruction procedure, consult with one of our doctors at Boulder Plastic Surgery. You can schedule a consultation by giving us a call at (303) 578-4193.

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