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Celebrate Healthy Weight Loss With a Tummy Tuck

tummy tuckIf you’ve worked hard all year to stick to your New Year’s resolution of eating right and exercising more, you may be in a position to benefit from a tummy tuck at Boulder Plastic Surgery. This procedure is not an alternative for weight loss, but it can help you achieve the stomach muscle tone you have been working so hard for.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, which is also known as abdominoplasty, eliminates excess skin and fat and may also be able to rebuild separated or weakened muscles. This procedure helps to create a smooth and firm abdomen area. Factors such as pregnancy, aging, heredity, other surgical procedures, and dramatic changes in weight can cause an abdomen to protrude or sag. A tummy tuck can help create the smooth profile you desire.

The Procedure

For a tummy tuck to be successful and produce long-lasting change, the underlying muscular structures in the abdomen must first be addressed. Simply removing the excess skin and fat will not achieve long-term results. Once the abdominal muscles are repositioned and tightened, the abdominal skin is pulled down. When necessary, excess skin and fat is removed, the belly button is repositioned, and fat underlying the flap is thinned or eliminated.

Significant Results

Tummy tucks can dramatically enhance the look and contour of the abdomen. This can provide you with more versatility as far as the type and size of clothing you can wear. Although they may not be removed completely, some scars or stretch marks, particularly in the area below the belly button, can be minimized.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you are interested in a tummy tuck, call Boulder Plastic Surgery at (303) 578-4193 to schedule a consultation. At the consultation, you can discuss your expectations for this procedure with one of our board certified cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeons. Dr. Kuisle and Dr. Hartley are both certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons and have 50 years of combined experience.

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