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Establish Facial Harmony through a Nose Job

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You can make the most of your facial features with cosmetics. You can frame your face with a haircut that brings out the best in you. You can whiten your teeth to make your smile really shine. You can’t so easily change your nose. If you are unhappy with what you see every time someone snaps a photo or you glance at your reflection, it can be really discouraging. Your nose could be too big when compared to your other features. You might feel that it is too wide or too narrow. Your nose might curve in a hook or have a bump on the bridge. Regardless of why you aren’t happy with your nose, you deserve to have the facial features you want. You can have harmony as everything becomes balanced when you choose a nose job.

A Nose Job Can Improve Your Features

If you struggle with your nose, you’re not alone. Many people are unhappy about this prominent feature that can’t be ignored. It’s a problem you can’t fix on your own. Your plastic surgeon can help you to have the nose of your dreams. You can feel like it finally belongs on your face. If you have had trauma that has affected your nose, plastic surgery can help you to take it back.

What Happens During a Nose Job?

The first step in having a nose job is to talk with your plastic surgeon. Express your wishes about how you want your nose to be changed. Your surgeon will explain how a nose job could benefit you. Depending on how involved your procedure is going to be, you will either have an open procedure or a closed procedure. If you have an open nose job, your plastic surgeon will need to make an opening in the small band of tissue between your nostrils. If your procedure is closed, all openings will be made on the inside of your nose. Your surgeon will make changes to your nose to meet your expectations. Once your procedure is over, you will need to give your nose a chance to heal. It will take time while you wear a splint on your nose and avoid lifting anything heavy. be patient. You’ll soon be able to enjoy the nose you have always wanted.

Talk to Your Plastic Surgeon About a Nose Job Today

Don’t let your nose get you down any more. To learn more about what a nose job can do for you, we warmly invite you to reach out and make an appointment with Boulder Plastic Surgery. At our convenient location in Boulder, CO, our caring and dedicated team of professionals will be pleased to explain this option to you in full and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation – we look forward to speaking with you!

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