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Eyelid Surgery Information

Eyelid Surgery

The area around the eyes has a significant impact on your overall appearance, so many patients want to improve their droopy upper eyelids or the bags underneath their eyes. When we look at another person, we look into their eyes. If the eyes look tired, they look tired. Often this is the first sign of aging. Loose or excess skin in the eyelid, as well as fat within the eye socket that is bulging forward, can cause a person to look older than they are. To correct these issues we offer upper and lower eyelid surgery, also known as a blepharoplasty.

To see an improvement in the appearance of your eyelids, our surgeons may need to remove the excess fat, skin, and muscle that is causing droopy lids and/or bags. The key in upper and lower lid surgical procedures is to sparingly remove tissue and fat, and to redistribute the fullness to the eye thereby giving a much more youthful overall appearance.

About the Procedure

Before Surgery

During the first consultation, your surgeon will discuss the cosmetic and possible functional benefits and limitations regarding your eyelid surgery. Once we determine what you want from your surgery, we can move forward with the initial consultation by:

Who is a good candidate for a blepharoplasty procedure? A patient needs to have overall good health for good results and recovery—this is a requirement for any surgery we offer. Boulder Plastic Surgery surgeons and staff believe that wellness and healthy lifestyle choices prepare patients for surgery and keeps them strong during the recovery phase. To get your body in the best condition before and after surgery, we use a three-phase healing program (which starts a week or so before a procedure) that consists of proper nutrients to promote healing, boost the immune system, and reduce post-procedure inflammation and discomfort.

To achieve better health, you need the necessary vitamins and minerals, a healthy diet, and a regular exercise plan—this is our holistic approach to wellness and less down-time after surgery.

Please let us know of any supplements you are taking before the surgery so we can determine whether or not they will affect the operation in anyway. For recovery purposes, do not take any aspirin for at least two weeks prior to your eyelid surgery. Also, for the effectiveness of anesthesia, do not eat or drink anything 8 hours prior to surgery.

Other pre-surgery tips include:

The Day of Your Surgery

The day of the blepharoplasty, you will meet again with your surgeon to answer any final questions. You will be marked awake and seated in the preop area.  A medication to help you relax will be given through your IV, and you will be taken to the operating room. The rest of the blepharoplasty procedure is as follows:

Small incisions are made in the upper lid’s prominent crease and lower lid just below the eyelashes

Surgical techniques must be individualized and modified to achieve a natural, more youthful look.

Risks, Complications, and Limitations

With any surgical procedure, a very small percentage of complications can occur. Normally following the surgery, a small amount of blood-tinged drainage may ooze from the stitch lines for 24-48 hours. Other common side effects of eyelid surgery include:

To relieve any irritation, you may need to acquire eye drops or eye ointment to use until symptoms subside.

In rare cases, other complications may arise from a blepharoplasty operation, such as:

A conservative approach to periorbital rejuvenation is very important to avoid these risks. We must improve the eyelid periorbital aesthetics, but maintain eyelid function and protect the eyeball and vision.

In terms of the surgery’s limitations, careful examination prior to the operation always reveals slight asymmetry of the eyelids, and although the operation corrects marked differences, slight residual asymmetry may still be present after surgery. It’s important to understand any limitations related to your case.

Post-Operative Care

Post-Operative Care

At the completion of your operation, you will be transferred to the appropriate recovery area where you will remain until you awaken. To make the transition to healing as smooth as possible, here are some helpful tips:

Post-Operative Healing

Your eyes may not close completely for the first 24 to 48 hours due to swelling in the eyelids. The lids themselves may not contact the eyeball in a normal fashion for the same period of time. Usually this effect is minimal, resolves rapidly, and causes minimal irritation to the eyes. Bruising coupled with swelling will usually resolve in 7-14 days, but it can take longer than a week. As swelling goes down, you will notice that the eyes appear larger and different than before—this is normal.

Resume normal tasks of daily living as rapidly as possible. Immobility tends to cause continued discomfort and increased muscle spasms. The only limitation to activity is if you feel significant pain. Discomfort is normal with motion initially, and there is nothing that can be harmed by normal activity. Most patients are back at work in 5-7 days.

Note: All surgical procedures which involve an incision in any area of the body will leave a scar. However, scars near the eyelids are usually inconspicuous and easily camouflaged by makeup or hairstyle.

Eye Lid Surgery Cost

How much does eye lid surgery cost? It depends on your specific situation, but an estimate of eyelid surgery is listed below:

All fees for cosmetic surgeries are payable in advance and include the cost of surgery as well as all postoperative follow-up care. On the day of your preoperative visit, additional fees will be received for the surgical facility and anesthesia care.

Schedule an Appointment Today

How predictable the result of your surgery will be depends on a number of factors, including the skin’s condition, presence or absence of facial fat beneath the skin, skin’s age, bone structure, and present fine lines and wrinkles. To assess your unique situation, we require a consultation. Understanding the relationship between eyelid surgery and your particular case is the best way to making a confident decision.

Please call our office at (303) 578-4193 to schedule an appointment with one of our board certified surgeons at Boulder Plastic Surgery.

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