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Is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Safe?

breastaugmentation_pt_3963286_d_1Fat transfer breast augmentation, a growing topic in the plastic surgery industry, is the process of taking excess fat cells from another part of the body and injecting them into the breast. While Boulder Plastic Surgery only provides breast augmentation procedures that are absolutely proven to be safe and effective, the growing popularity of fat transfer augmentation demands a conversation.

The Procedure

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a two-in-one procedure. With the help of liposuction, fat cells are harvested from one part of the body, which is usually the thigh region. Once the fat is safely removed, it can be injected into the breasts.

The Risks

Is fat transfer breast augmentation safe? A lot depends on who is performing the surgery—and you should always go with a board-certified surgeon—but there are bound to be increased risks with a new procedure that has unproven long-term results.

Fat transfer breast augmentation risks include:

Breast Augmentation at Boulder Plastic Surgery

Our board-certified plastic surgeons here at Boulder Plastic Surgery offer the best clinical judgment and procedure experience to help you through your decision. Our patients receive silicone (gel) or saline (saline solution) implants that safely achieve the desired results.

With our procedures, risks are minimized and/or prevented with close observation, pre-procedure tests, a nutrition plan, an experienced surgeon doing the breast augmentation, and proper post-procedure care. All of these steps ensure that your body is ready for a breast augmentation procedure and recovery

Make an appointment to find out if breast augmentation is right for you by calling Boulder Plastic Surgery at (303) 578-4193.

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