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Information on Our Forehead Lift Procedure

What to Expect From a Forehead Lift Procedure at Boulder Plastic Surgery

Boulder Plastic Surgery

A forehead lift — otherwise known as a brow lift or browplasty — is a cosmetic surgery procedure that minimizes the creases across one’s forehead and elevates drooping eyebrows, features that could cause a face to seem angry, hostile, or fatigued. These effects are completely normal and caused over time by gravity and a weakening of facial muscles, but many individuals opt for a forehead lift to reverse these effects of aging, producing a younger, healthier look. The commitment to a brow lift is a personal one. It is important to understand all of the facts, risks, and procedural steps in order to make the best decision for you.

Preparing for Surgery

Preparing for surgery is easy, but it’s important to follow each and every step your doctor lays out for you. Adhering to a few basic rules will drastically reduce the chance of complications and encourage the best results. Before committing to any surgery, it is important to have a medical evaluation and prepare you body. Your doctor may advise that you adjust current medication. It is also important to quit smoking well before your time of surgery, and avoid taking aspirin or other supplements that may increase bleeding.

Based on your unique procedure, your doctor will have a set of specific instructions. It is always a good idea to ask questions so that you are fully informed — don’t be embarrassed if you don’t understand something. It is important that you understand each and every step of the process. It is natural to feel apprehensive before any surgery, and you will feel more comfortable if you talk about your feelings with your plastic surgeon.

The Surgical Process

After you receive anesthesia, your doctor will create small incisions in your hairline. This will allow tissue and muscle beneath the skin to be repositioned, altered, or removed, correcting the source of visible creases and furrows in the forehead. The incision lines from this procedure are well concealed within the hairline and natural contours of the forehead to eliminate any worry of scarring.

Post-Surgery and Recovery

After the surgery is completed, you will be released with a friend or loved one who can drive you home. You will have already received detailed recovery instructions that will help you heal properly, and it is important to begin following these instructions immediately. If there are any side effects or complications that were not covered by your surgeon, contact the office immediately. It is always best to address a problem from the start before it has a chance to develop into something more serious.

During your initial consultation at Boulder Plastic Surgery, we will make sure you are well-informed about your procedure as well as any important recovery steps. Our mission is to encourage an overall wellness regimen for every patient, so schedule a consultation today to see if a forehead lift is right for you.

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