Nutrition Tips to Better Prepare for and Recover From Cosmetic Surgery

With the numerous applications of cosmetic surgery growing every year, more and more people are deciding to have procedures done. We are all aware of how important proper nutrition is to our health, but many people are unaware of just how important nutrition can be in regards to cosmetic surgery. Proper nutrition is even more essential for someone recovering from a procedure, as your body requires heightened levels of certain compounds to heal itself properly and give you the best results.
The Nutrients You Need for Recovery
It is a smart idea to start preparing your body for cosmetic surgery by supplying it with the nutrients it needs for healing in advance of the procedure. While you should always follow the explicit diet instructions given by your doctor for the days leading up to surgery, there are some additional steps you can take to help prepare yourself. Most importantly, you need to be sure that you are getting enough protein. Protein is essential for the healing process because it supplies fuel for your immune system as well as helping to increase collagen production, which aids in the recovery process.
B complex vitamins and vitamin C are also crucial to your body’s ability to heal itself. Both vitamins B and C contribute to immune system support as well as collagen synthesis. Vitamin C also has an impact on your white blood cells, which helps reduce the risk of infection. Zinc is also essential for proper healing, as it is required for regular nucleic acid production, as well as playing an important role in both protein and collagen synthesis. Copper is yet another nutrient that is important for a healing body, as it helps to strengthen connective tissue.
Surgery puts stress on the body, and stress can cause free radicals to develop. Free radicals are very reactive molecules that can bind with otherwise healthy cells and damage them. In order to prevent damage from free radicals, antioxidants must be present in the body, so it is always a good idea to get plenty of these before and after surgery. There are many sources of antioxidants, such as spices, coffee, berries, nuts, and even chocolate, so it’s not difficult to adjust your diet to make sure you’re getting a good amount.
Trust Boulder Plastic Surgery for All Your Cosmetic Needs
If you have any questions about proper nutrition before or after a cosmetic procedure, we invite you to come by our office and speak with our friendly staff. We’re happy to help with any concerns that you may have about the recovery process. At Boulder Plastic Surgery our number one goal is to help you look and feel exactly the way you want to, and part of the way we do that is by encouraging a continuous, well-rounded health regimen. Schedule a consultation today!