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Voluma Treatments Do You Need to Lift?

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As we age our skin loses volume for a variety of reasons, from genetics to hormones to unprotected sun exposure. After our mid-20s, the depletion of natural collagen in the skin makes our skin more likely to develop wrinkles and other visible signs of aging. But just like time keeps marching on, so does the natural aging process. Or does it? At Boulder Plastic Surgery in Boulder, CO, we know that dermal filler treatments like Juvederm Voluma can temporarily halt the natural aging process and give you a more youthful appearance.

How Many Voluma Treatments Do You Need to Lift Your Cheeks?

When people first hear about dermal fillers, sometimes they express their doubt that a simple injectable treatment can really deliver on all its promises. But the truth is that dermal fillers are some of the most reliable aesthetic treatments in the world. Even better, usually, these treatments can accomplish your aesthetic goals in as little as one treatment.

For most people, a single appointment with Voluma is enough to reverse the visible signs of aging and plump the appearance of your cheeks. Even though everyone has different skin types and aesthetic preferences, we can individualize your treatment plan to ensure that you can achieve your results quickly. In fact, this dermal filler is so potent that patients rarely need a touch-up appointment to achieve their desired results. This dermal filler can be considered a one-and-done treatment.

How Much Filler Will You Need?

In general, the amount of filler you will need for your treatment will depend on the severity of skin laxity in your cheeks and your aesthetic goals. Voluma syringes are typically one cc and many patients need between two and four syringes to complete the treatment, which can be one to two syringes per cheek. It’s common for those who have hollow cheeks or significant volume loss in the cheeks to require more syringes than those who are only using this treatment to contour the cheeks.

Of course, it’s also important to keep in mind that if you are using this filler to treat other areas of the mid-face in addition to the cheeks, such as the nasolabial folds or chin wrinkles, then you may require additional syringes to complete your treatment. Rest assured that we err on the conservative side to ensure that your results will appear natural.

How Does This Treatment Work?

Voluma is a dermal filler, which is a class of injectable treatments that involve injecting special formulas into the sub-dermal layers of skin to restore facial volume to smooth the appearance of wrinkles. This filler is made with hyaluronic acid, which is found naturally in the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a sugar molecule in the skin that is responsible for maintaining skin moisture. Studies show that hyaluronic acid is also responsible for stimulating natural collagen production – so the more hyaluronic acid you have in your skin, the more collagen you will produce.

During your treatment process, several small injections will be made into each of your targeted treatment locations until your aesthetic goals are achieved. Because we personalize your treatment for your aesthetic goals, we will only use a specific amount of filler until your results are achieved. Overall, this treatment is less complex and more comfortable than many other non-surgical aesthetic treatments.

Where Else Can You Use This Filler?

Although this particular Juvederm filler is approved primarily for the treatment of volume loss in the cheeks, you should know that you can also use this filler virtually everywhere on the face to reduce the natural signs of aging. This filler is most commonly used on the middle portion of the face to correct the appearance of nasolabial wrinkles around the nose and mouth, as well as fine lines around the chin and mouth, crow’s feet, and bony areas of the face.

Aside from being an anti-aging remedy, this treatment is also commonly used to contour the appearance of the face. In particular, this filler can be used to soften the appearance or augment the shape of the jawline and cheekbones to achieve a particular aesthetic goal.

What Can You Expect From This Treatment?

Your treatment appointments will generally be complete in as little as 30 minutes, making this an ideal “lunchtime” appointment for those who have busy schedules. The first portion of your treatment will be a consultation, which is when we will get to know your aesthetic concerns and your expectations for this treatment. During your consultation, we will collect certain information about you, such as any drug allergies you may have, previous cosmetic treatments you’ve tried in the past, and some general medical information.


Although this is a simple treatment, there are still a few things you will need to do to prepare for your treatment. For example, you should stop taking anti-inflammatory or blood-thinning medications and supplements about three to five days before your appointment. You should also be careful about irritating your skin, which means avoiding any sunburns, harsh chemical exfoliants, and skincare products that can irritate the skin. In the case that you have a skin condition on the day of your appointment, such as acne, eczema, cold sores, or fever blisters, please reschedule your appointment.


After your appointment is finished, you will be able to go back to your normal daily schedule, such as working or running errands. This treatment has no official recovery period, which is another advantage of using a dermal filler. However, even though you will not need to take time off to recover from this treatment, you will still need to follow a few post-treatment instructions after your appointment. Following these instructions will help you get the best results from your treatment.

One of the most important rules to follow is to avoid touching or rubbing the skin, as this may prevent the filler from “settling” as intended into the sub-dermal layers of the skin. You should also avoid using hot water to wash the face, as well as hot showers, saunas, hot tubs, and tanning beds. It’s best if you can avoid strenuous activity or rigorous exercise for at least two to three days after your appointment. You should also do your best to avoid unnecessary sun exposure and be sure to wear SPF when you have to be outside.

How Soon Will You See Results?

A huge upside for using a dermal filler like this one is the fact that you will be able to see the results of this treatment very quickly – usually on the same day as your appointment, actually. The fast results of this dermal filler can be attributed to the fact that the filler formula is made with a gel-like consistency that instantly lifts and plumps the appearance of the skin.

Over the next few days, as the filler is absorbed and settles beneath the skin, your results will continue to improve as your skin produces collagen. Most people will be able to see the final results of their treatment within one to two weeks, depending on how quickly your skin produces and matures collagen.

Are Results Natural-Looking?

Yes, the results of this dermal filler will appear natural. These natural-looking results are largely because hyaluronic acid dermal fillers sit below the skin surface and work with the body’s natural resources to reverse the visible signs of aging. Our aesthetic experts also take a skilled and subtle approach to your treatments so that you can rejuvenate your appearance in a way that is both natural-looking and flawless.

How Long Does This Filler Last?

Juvederm Volume is the first and only filler of its kind that can produce results that last for 24 months or sometimes longer. In fact, one of the most exciting aspects of this filler is how long the results can last. Unlike other dermal fillers for the cheeks that can only produce results for a few months, this filler can produce consistent results for up to two years at a time – and with only one treatment appointment.

How Can You Maintain Your Results?

The best way to maintain the results of your treatment is to attend your annual maintenance appointments, which should be scheduled every 18 to 24 months, or as needed. Staying on top of your appointments will ensure that you will be able to maintain the aesthetic goals you are looking for. That said, there are other things you can do to maintain your results.

For example, some experts suggest that about 90% of age-related skin concerns are caused by unprotected exposure to the sun. And while UV rays in sunlight can cause skin damage, they can also cause the results of your filler treatment to break down prematurely. You must wear adequate sun protection when you plan to be outside during the daylight; SPF 30 or higher is good for most skin tones.

Is This Treatment Safe?

Yes, Juvederm dermal fillers such as this one are considered safe. In fact, because hyaluronic acid can be found naturally in the body, most people don’t have to worry about having an allergic reaction to the treatment. The entire Juvederm collection of fillers is the most trusted brand in the world and enjoys a reputation for producing safe and effective treatments for all patients.

Can You Combine This Treatment?

Yes, a dermal filler such as this one can be easily combined with other aesthetic treatments. For example, it’s very common to combine Voluma treatments in the cheeks with Botox treatments in other areas of the face. This is because dermal fillers and neurotoxins like Botox correct different types of wrinkles. Combining treatments can help you achieve more comprehensive anti-aging results.

You can also combine this treatment with over-the-counter anti-aging products, such as serums and moisturizers that contain Retinol, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Some patients find that using the right skincare products can enhance the appearance of their results or even help those results last for longer periods of time.

Who Are Good Candidates?

Because Juvederm is so safe and effective, most people are considered good candidates for these treatments. If you are not currently pregnant or breastfeeding and your aesthetic concerns can be resolved with this filler, then you are likely a good candidate for this treatment.

Reverse the Signs of Aging in One Simple Treatment

You may not be able to stop time, but you can temporarily halt the effects of time on your skin when you use the right aesthetic treatment. Juvederm Voluma is an ideal solution if you want to enjoy long-lasting and natural-looking results. Contact Boulder Plastic Surgery in Boulder, CO to schedule your first appointment today.

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