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How Scar Reduction Works

Trauma, sun damage, pregnancy, and aging can all lead to a number of kinds of scarring, which can seriously impact your self-esteem. If you’re seeking relief from skin trauma, we recommend one of the three main scar reduction procedures.

Scar Reduction Techniques

There are a number of treatments available that can diminish the appearance of a variety of types of scars. At Boulder Plastic surgery, we specialize in three of the most effective methods available:

Acne Scar Reduction

Although most people have problems with acne as teenagers, for some, the problem persists into adulthood. Adult acne in particular is known to leave behind pock-marks, which can be especially traumatizing. Some of the methods available to treat persistent acne and the permanent damage it can cause to skin include:

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about how scar reduction can help you get your confidence back, contact our offices at (303) 578-4193 and schedule an appointment with one of our board certified plastic surgeons. We’ll be happy to discuss your options and help you choose the right procedure for you.

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