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IPL and BBL Laser Treatment For Vascular Redness and Rosacea

laser treatment for rosacea

Laser vascular treatments use pulsed light to heat and destroy unsightly, tiny vessels, and superficial capillaries of the face, neck, and chest. The wave length of the light from the laser targets the pigment of the blood in the vessels, which clots, shrinks, and becomes less bright. While there is no permanent cure for rosacea, a series of IPL and  BBL laser  treatment for Rosacea that will reduce the redness of the affected area over time, all without damaging the surrounding tissue of your skin.

(Prices Range from $90 to $330)

What Are All of the Conditions that a Rosacea Skin Laser Can Treat?

Laser skin treatments can be used to treat a wide variety of Rosacea-related skin conditions, including:

Who Can be Treated by Rosacea Skin Laser Therapy?

One of the best parts about Rosacea skin laser therapy is that it works for all different skin types. All we need to do is see your skin in person, and we’ll be able to establish a skin laser therapy that will provide the best results for you.

What Happens During the Procedure?

Rosacea skin laser therapy works by targeting areas that have been compromised by Rosacea or Rosacea-related conditions with intense pulsed light. This destroys the surface veins that make up this condition. This will reduce redness, eliminate broken blood vessels, and other forms of uneven skin pigmentation. Patients have described the sensation of receiving skin laser therapy as a quick rubber-band snap, resulting in mild discomfort. The procedure is rather quick and the results are almost immediate.

What is the Recovery Process Like?

You may experience increased redness, swelling and possible raised welts after your treatment. This can last a few hours to a few days. There are restrictions after these laser treatments that include no spicy foods, red wine, or aerobic exercise, for 3 days following the treatment. Sunscreen is a must, as you’ll want to avoid exposing your skin to UV rays.

If there are no symptoms, you can expect your treatment to have an immediate effect, with redness decreasing over the first 24 hours. That said, it is likely that you’ll need 4 treatments—one every 4 weeks—in order to significantly reduce your rosacea. Finally, laser skin treatments are not a cure, but rather, an effective way to manage your condition.

How Can I Learn More About IPL and BBL Laser Treatments for Vascular Redness and Rosacea?

To find out more about IPL and BBL laser treatment for Rosacea and Vascular Redness, contact Boulder Plastic Surgery at 303-443-2277 for a scheduled consultation. We’ll be happy to answer any and all questions you might have about Rosacea skin laser therapy.

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