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Is Breast Augmentation Permanent?

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures used by women. This procedure can greatly increase the volume of the breasts to achieve a more ideal body shape. But how long can you expect the results of this procedure to last? Learn more about what you can expect from this procedure before you schedule your initial consultation at Boulder Plastic Surgery in Boulder, CO.

Is Breast Augmentation Permanent?

You cannot expect the results of breast augmentation to be permanent. In general, a lot of this procedure can last for 10 to 15 years, or sometimes 20 depending on factors related to your lifestyle and the type of implant used.

The longevity of your results is typically related to the natural aging process and not the integrity of the implants. For example, many women can enjoy the results of augmentation for well over 20 years because the breast implant has remained structurally sound. Because there is no general shelf life on breast implants, your results will depend on individual factors. Some individual factors can include:


The natural aging process will change the volume of breast tissue and skin tightness, which will alter the shape of the natural breasts. In many cases, implants may become visible or detectable by touch because of skin thinning and fat displacement as a result of natural aging, particularly after menopause when the appearance of the breasts will change dude estrogen levels.

Body Weight

Your overall body weight may also change your results. For example, losing a significant amount of weight after augmentation will mean that the natural volume of your breasts will also shrink, and this could impact your overall results. Similarly, gaining a significant amount of weight after your procedure will increase the size of the breasts by introducing more fat to breast tissue, which could make your results less than ideal.


Finally, your results may also change as a result of pregnancy, particularly if you are breastfeeding. While it’s possible to breastfeed with implants because milk production should be uncompromised, many women will find that the volume of their breast tissue will also change drastically after pregnancy.

When Revision May Be Necessary

There are a few circumstances where vision may be necessary. For example, you may want to revise your implants after 10 to 15 years if your results are not as desired or if you have other body changes. Some women may wish to remove breast implants altogether, while others may want to increase breast implants or change the material, size, or shape of the implants.

Revision may also be necessary if there’s a complication with the breast implants, such as a rupture or capsular contracture. Generally speaking, revisions are usually the choice of the patient.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

1. How Does Breast Augmentation Work?

Breast augmentation is an invasive cosmetic procedure wherein an artificial implant is placed into the native breast. The procedure itself usually takes one to three hours to complete. Breast augmentation can be done with a variety of methods, including traditional implants, fat transfers, or other techniques.

During your procedure, your surgeon will make a small incision on an area of the breast, such as the underside of the breast, around the areola, or on the side of the breast near the armpit. The implant will be placed through the small incision, either below the pectoral muscle or above it. After the implant is placed, the incision will be closed and you will be able to begin your recovery period.

2. What Should You Do Before Your Procedure?

Before your procedure, you may need to complete several labs and exams to ensure you are healthy enough for the treatment. It’s common to complete a mammogram to create a baseline appearance for your natural breast tissue before you have an augmentation procedure. You may also need to complete blood work, revise certain medications you are taking before surgery, and complete other exams.

3. What Is Your Recovery Like?

The recovery timeline for a breast augmentation procedure usually takes about eight to 12 weeks depending on your rate of healing. During your recovery, you’ll have many physical limitations including avoiding strenuous exercising, lifting, carrying heavy items, and much more.

During the first few days of your recovery, you will need to rest as much as possible and keep your dressing clean and dry. Over the next several weeks, you will be able to return to work and many of your normal daily activities, including exercises like walking. You will receive specific recovery instructions after your procedure.

4. How Long Will You Need To Wear a Compression Bra?

Most women will need to wear compression bras for the majority of the day for at least six to eight weeks. You should aim to wear a compression bra for at least 22 hours a day. You should only remove a compression bra if you are showering.

Many women buy at least three or four compression bras to rotate throughout the week. Wearing a compression bra is very important, as this will encourage better healing after your treatment and will ensure that your breasts settle into the correct position. After you are done wearing the surgical compression bra, you may want to consider a medium to high impact bra to wear during activities.

5. Will Results Look Natural?

Yes, the results of this procedure will look natural. The goal of augmentation is to enhance the volume and size of the breasts while also maintaining a natural appearance. For this reason, we will discuss all of your treatment options to ensure you select the appropriate size, shape, and other implant factors that will help you create natural results.

6. Will Results Create Cleavage?

No, these results will not help you create cleavage. Cleavage is a byproduct of wearing a bra that presses the breasts together. Breast augmentation does not create cleavage if you are not wearing a bra. Many women will find that the increase of breast tissue will make it easier to achieve the appearance of cleavage with the right bra.

7. How Soon Can You Buy New Bras?

Although you will be done wearing a compression bra and you will be mostly recovered after eight weeks, many women hold off on buying new bras until at least 12 weeks after augmentation. You may find that your breasts are still moderately swollen after your recovery period, and this can alter the cup size of your new bras. Certain types of bras, such as bralettes or sports bras, may be more easily bought after your procedure than underwire bras.

8. Is There a Best Age for This Treatment?

No, there’s not a best age for this procedure – however, many women who use this procedure are between the ages of 20 and 30. The women who use this procedure often like to wait until after they are finished having children, since pregnancy and breastfeeding can alter the results of your procedure.

9. What Are Your Treatment Options?

When you have an augmentation procedure, you’ll have several treatment options to consider such as the placement of the implant, the size and shape of the implant, and the material used. We will help you go through all of your treatment options so that you can make the best decision for your desired results.


You will have the choice of placing your breast implant above or below the pectoral muscle. The placement of your implant will affect your results. Many women find that results appear more natural when the implant is placed below the pectoral muscle since this maintains the natural shape image of the breast.

Size and Shape

The size of your implant will usually be enough to increase your cup size by at least one to two letters. However, the shape may be a little more difficult to decide on. The shapes for your breast implants can include round or teardrop-shaped. Teardrop-shaped implants have a more natural appearance, but a round implant may be more appropriate for women who want to achieve certain results.


For your implants, you will be able to choose between saline, silicone, and gummy bear material. Saline and silicone implants are still by far the most popular choices for breast implants, but gummy bear implants are becoming more popular. The material you choose will have a direct impact on the feel of your results, so if you want more natural feeling results then you may want to use saline or gummy bear material.

Get the Body Shape You Want

Many women feel self-conscious about the size or shape of their breasts, particularly after certain periods in their life that may change the natural breast tissue. If you want to get the body shape that you want, you may want to consider breast augmentation. Please contact Boulder Plastic Surgery in Boulder, CO today to schedule your initial appointment.

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