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Is KYBELLA Permanent?

Are you struggling with a double chin? Do you want to regain a youthful and attractive profile without undergoing surgery? KYBELLA is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that works by breaking down excess fat. It is specifically designed to permanently reduce fat cells in the chin, also called the submental area. At Boulder Plastic Surgery in Boulder, CO, we offer this treatment to patients of all ages who are worried about the shape of their chins. 

Is KYBELLA Permanent?

Double chin injections are known for their long-lasting results, often approaching permanence. They are so effective thanks to the active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, and the way it breaks down fat cells. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the chin, it selectively targets and disrupts the fat cell membranes. 
This process kickstarts the body’s natural metabolic processes, leading to the permanent removal of fat cells. Once these fat cells are eliminated, they don’t regenerate. As a result, most patients experience great results for many years or even decades. While effects of deoxycholic acid are nearly permanent, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid excessive weight fluctuations to prevent the accumulation of new fat in the treated area. 

Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the body’s complex process of converting food and nutrients into energy, and it varies from person to person. The speed of your metabolism directly affects how quickly your body processes the substances introduced during the injection. A faster metabolism can process the active ingredients in the injection more rapidly, potentially leading to shorter-lasting effects. 
For example, if two people receive double chin injections with identical formulations, the individual with a faster metabolism may notice a quicker reduction in submental fat and a shorter duration of the treatment’s effects compared to someone with a slower metabolism. It’s also worth remembering tha age can influence metabolism. Older individuals may experience slower but longer-lasting results. Younger patients may need top-up sessions every few years.

Your Lifestyle Choices

Lifestyle choices that lead to weight gain can affect the results of your double chin treatment by changing the shape of your face and neck. In particular, poor dietary choices and sedentary lifestyles can contribute to weight gain. If you don’t stick to a healthy diet and exercise regularly, fat can accumulate not only in the submental area but also throughout your body. 
Weight fluctuations can compromise the results achieved through deoxycholic acid injections because gaining a sizeable amount of weight causes the remaining fat cells to expand. While the double chin won’t be as pronouned as before your treatment, weight gain can alter the facial and neck contour and lead to an imbalanced appearance. To maintain the desired outcomes, adopting a healthy lifestyle is essential.

Your Health 

Conditions like hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and insulin resistance can cause metabolic disruptions and weight gain. As excess weight accumulates or the body retains more water than usual, the appearance of the face and neck are affected, and the desired cosmetic effects of the double chin treatment are reduced. Additionally, some medical conditions can directly affect the results of deoxycholic acid injections. 
For instance, skin-related conditions like excessive sagging due to aging or skin laxity from significant weight loss can limit the extent to which deoxycholic acid can reshape the neck and jawline. Autoimmune diseases or bleeding disorders can influence the body’s response to the treatment and the rate at which the fat cells are metabolized. That’s why we always check our patients’ medical histories before booking their first double chin injection. 

Your Age

Generally, people under 18 are discouraged from taking part in double chin treatment because their facial structures are still maturing and changing. Intervening with cosmetic treatments at a young age could disrupt the natural development of their features, and the results are unlikely to be permanent. However, starting treatment at a young age, such as in one’s early twenties, can be beneficial. 
Early intervention may prevent the accumulation of stubborn fat under the chin, creating a more defined jawline from the start. Moreover, younger individuals may require fewer treatment sessions. On the other hand, starting over 40 can also be a good idea because the results are likely to be more stable and permanent. Since this treatment is safe and gentle, adults of all ages are eligible. 

The Injection Technique

The injection technique used for KYBELLA injections directly influences the effectiveness and longevity of the treatment. A skilled injector will ensure precise injections, leading to better outcomes. Inadequate or incorrect techniques can lead to suboptimal or temporary results. For example, uneven distribution of the deoxycholic acid can lead to an asymmetrical appearance, leaving one side of the neck more contoured than the other. 
This is displeasing and requires additional corrective treatments. Moreover, using the wrong dosage or depth of injection can affect the results. If too much solution is administered in one session, it may lead to swelling. Insufficient dosing might not achieve the desired fat reduction. That’s why visiting a reputable clinic such as Boulder Plastic Surgery is key. 

The Number of Sessions 

To achieve more long-lasting outcomes, a series of sessions is often recommended. Typically, these appointments are spaced out over several weeks, allowing for the gradual breakdown and elimination of fat cells. This approach has several advantages. First, it ensures a more even and controlled fat reduction process, minimizing the risk of overcorrection or irregularities. 
Second, spacing out the sessions allows the body to heal and adjust to the changes. The ideal number of sessions varies from person to person, depending on their goals and the extent of submental fat. However, most individuals benefit from a series of two to six sessions, scheduled approximately four to six weeks apart. 

Address Your Stubborn Double Chin with a Nonsurgical Treatment 

Many people with submental fullness suffer from self-consciousness and decreased self-esteem. They might feel uncomfortable in social situations and avoid having their photos taken. Additionally, they might struggle with hurtful and distressing comments and feel restricted in what they can wear. KYBELLA is the perfect solution because it’s effective, quick, and long-lasting. Call us at Boulder Plastic Surgery in Boulder, CO, and book a consultation.
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