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Neodymium YAG Laser for Nail Fungus

The Neodymium YAG Laser produces an intense burst of invisible light that destroys nail and toenail fungus.

Nail and toenail fungus is prevalent worldwide and up until now, has had very limited, ineffective and undesirable treatment options. These options include: topical antifungal creams that cannot penetrate the nail adequately to eradicate the fungus; oral antifungals that are not effective in all patients and side effects may include possible liver damage; or permanent removal of the nail.

The YAG 1064 heats the nail and the nail bed with laser energy resulting in a decrease of nail fungus and increase in the growth of a clear nail.

Before treatment clip and debride nails. Remove any nail polish.

During treatment, nails will be wiped clean and photos will be taken to document nail growth.

The treatment involves passing the laser beam over the infected nails and surrounding skin. Your nail will feel warm to hot during the treatment. All of your nails will be treated at the time of your visit.

After treatment you can resume normal activity immediately with no downtime. No visual change in the nail will be detected as it takes time for the nail to grow. Use flip flops or fumigated shoes and new socks or socks washed with hot water and bleach to prevent reinfection and further spread of fungus.

It is recommended to have two treatments at a three month interval. The number of treatments may vary depending on the severity of the nail or toenail fungus.

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