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Laser Scar Reduction

BBL and IPL Laser Treatment

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) — also known as Broad Band Light (BBL) — laser treatments are used to correct a wide range of skin issues such as broken capillaries, fine wrinkles, age spots, and even scars. By targeting the pigment of the blood vessels, the redness and bulkiness of a scar can be significantly reduced in many cases.

How Does BBL/IPL Laser Treatment Differ From Traditional Laser Scar Reduction?

BBL and IPL laser treatment is different from traditional laser scar reduction in terms of the type of device used, the effectiveness, and the recovery time. With a traditional laser, a pulse of energy from only a single wavelength is produced. Lasers can deeply penetrate the skin and are a more aggressive form of treatment, which can cause more discomfort and longer recovery times.

Broad Band Light (BBL) and Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments do not use traditional lasers. They are a class of devices that use a flash lamp to send out light energy at many different wavelengths concurrently. These devices are able to target multiple depths of skin, but are not as aggressive as a laser. Therefore, the risk of negative side effects decreases.

The BBL machine is much more powerful, effective, and controllable than any other conventional IPL device. Listed below is more information on how BBL laser treatment works.

How Does BBL Laser Treatment Work?

BBL is a noninvasive and nonsurgical procedure that can help minimize the look of scars by emitting highly concentrated and high intensity beams of light. The beams penetrate the outer layers of skin to target unwanted skin redness. The wavelength used is attracted to the redness in the scars and can treat the area without causing damage to the surrounding skin tissue.

During the procedure, your eyes will be covered by safety shields or glasses. Depending on the size and severity of the area to be treated, the procedure can last anywhere between 15 minutes to one hour.

How Long Does it Take to Treat Scars?

Scars will not completely disappear, but their appearance can be significantly diminished. As many as two to five treatments every four to eight weeks may be necessary to achieve your desired results. Since this procedure is noninvasive, there is virtually no down time.

Does Laser Scar Reduction Hurt?

Laser scar reduction is considered safe and gentle. You may experience a sensation similar to a rubber band snap or a warm feeling, although discomfort is typically quite minimal. This can vary based on the sensitivity of the treated area, and a topical anesthesia may be used.

Immediately following BBL laser scar reduction the treated area may appear red, and this could last between three to five days. For the first 24 to 48 hours, you may also feel a sunburn-like sensation, which can be soothed by applying a cold compress. Patients may also apply moisturizers or other products that contain aloe vera. Until the area is fully healed, avoid sun exposure by covering the skin or using a good sunscreen.

Schedule a Consultation at Boulder Plastic Surgery or IV Seasons Skin Care Clinic

If you are looking for an effective scar revision treatment, consider BBL laser scar reduction at Boulder Plastic Surgery IV Seasons Skin Care Clinic. Set up a consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic plastic surgeons today by calling 303-578-4193 . At this initial meeting, we will review your options as well as address any concerns and answer all questions.

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