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Boulder Plastic Surgery

Male Areola Reduction Surgery Is Available at Boulder Plastic Surgery

areola reduction surgery for men

Many people are familiar with the idea of women having breast reduction and augmentation surgeries performed, but men also elect to have cosmetic surgery in the breast area, usually for breast reduction and areola reduction procedures. Areola reduction surgery for men can be performed at Boulder Plastic Surgery.

Some men have gland or adipose tissue that accumulates under the areola or that extends slightly past the areola area. This causes the areola to become enlarged or appear dome shaped. In cases where the areola is enlarged more than the typical size for a male, a reduction can offer a more flat, masculine appearance.

Areola Reduction Surgery for Men—A Minor Procedure

When performed without any other surgeries as a solo procedure, areola reduction surgery for men is actually a minor surgical procedure. Local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or conscious sedation can be used depending on each case. Because the pigment that darkens the areola is located in the superficial area of the skin, only a delicate outer layer of skin needs to be removed. When the excess pigmented skin is excised, then small stitches are positioned to hold the new areola into the skin around it.

Areola reduction surgery reshapes or decreases the size of the areolas to help attain a more attractive, more masculine chest. Even though it is a pretty minor procedure that only takes about an hour or two to perform, it can have a huge positive effect on a man’s confidence and self-image.

Ideal Male Candidate For Areola Reduction Surgery

Large areolas, puffy areolas, or prominent nipples can cause great embarrassment and lower self-esteem in men. In order to be educated about the extent to which the procedure can help them, men who are considering areola reduction should look at several before and after pictures of patients who have undergone this surgery. As true for all cosmetic surgery, satisfaction with results will depend on realistic expectations.

Men who have large or puffy areolas and are not satisfied with their appearance or who experience embarrassment because of their size are the best candidates for this procedure. Candidates should be in overall good health and have their blood pressure controlled. Patients who smoke cigarettes should quit smoking prior to the surgery or stop for the duration of surgery and recovery.

Contact Boulder Plastic Surgery to Schedule a Consultation

As with all cosmetic procedures, a consultation with a board-certified surgeon is one of your first steps towards researching and considering areola reduction surgery for men. Please feel free to contact our staff to schedule your consultation with our experienced doctors.

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