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Male Breast Reduction: What to Expect Before and After

male breast reduction

Gynecomastia, which is also known as enlarged male breasts, can be treated with a male breast reduction. It is a common surgical procedure that effectively removes excess fat and tissue for a firm, flat chest.

Men can develop enlarged breasts because of fluctuations in estrogen. It is a common condition, and about seventy percent of males will develop enlarged breasts during puberty. Adult men can develop enlarged breasts for a number of reasons that include certain antibiotics, heart medications, anti-anxiety meditations, chemotherapy, and certain antidepressants.

Benefits of Male Breast Reduction

Although losing weight can help enlarged breasts, glandular tissue will still remain. It is the only treatment for males with enlarged breasts that yields lasting results. Male breast reduction is an ideal treatment for men who are self-conscious about their enlarged breasts.

What is the Procedure Like?

We may use either a liposuction technique, an excision technique, or the combination of both. When the cause of gynecomastia is because of excess fat, we may use liposuction. The excision technique is usually administered when there is excess glandular tissue or when excess skin needs to be removed. In addition, this technique is also administered when the nipple needs to be repositioned for a more masculine contour.

After the procedure, there is a recovery period. However, once the patient has fully healed, the results of the procedure can be fully realized and enjoyed.

If you are suffering from gynecomastia and are interested in male breast reduction, talk to our team at Boulder Plastic Surgery. We are conveniently located in Boulder, CO. Contact us today to book a consultation!

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