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Mommy Makeover: An Effective Procedure Women

After having a family, more women than ever are turning to plastic surgeons in order to regain the look they had before pregnancy and breastfeeding. For these women, the results have been positive for both their look and their attitude towards their bodies. If you are in the Aurora, Westminster, Thornton, and Fredrick area and considering a plastic surgery, read on to learn more about the Mommy Makeover option available at Boulder Plastic Surgery.

What is a Mommy Makeover?

A Mommy Makeover is a plastic surgery that addresses the two areas most affected by pregnancy: the breast and abdominal areas. When you come into our office for a consultation, we will discuss with you which combination of procedures will be best to achieve the best possible look for your body. Possibilities include breast lift, breast augmentation, breast reduction, liposuction, and tummy tuck surgeries.

Who Should Consider a Mommy Makeover?

Typically, women who have already had children but will not be having more are the best candidates for Mommy Makeover surgery. It is better to have this surgery at a younger age, when possible, because your body will have an easier time healing. You may even find it easier to have a caregiver for your recovery period with younger children, who don’t need to be driven around to many events.

It is possible to have more children after having a Mommy Makeover procedure, it may just reduce the final result. If you anticipate having more children, however, it is advisable to put off tummy tuck surgery until after that time, both for your look and your health.

How Long is the Procedure and the Recovery? Should I Do Each Surgery Separately?

It is best to do all three procedures at the same time, as this reduces the time you will need to recover. Although it doesn’t make the recovery period shorter (7-14 days), you will only have one recovery period, instead of three (each of which would last 7-14 days). Additionally, you reduce the risk of anesthesia complications by only going under once.

The procedure itself will last anywhere from 3-6 hours. The recovery time can also vary. Some women return to a desk job after 7 days. Others need close to 10-14 days of rest before moving about again. After two weeks, you can begin walking for exercise but lifting must be kept to under 20 pounds (including children). After 8 weeks, you will be free to return to all normal activities.

Will I Have Scars After the Surgery?

Yes. However, we work carefully to place them strategically so they will not be visible wearing most clothes, often including a two-piece bathing suit, unless work was done in the belly button area.

Make Your Consultation Appointment Today!

At Boulder Plastic Surgery, we are ready to help you address the areas that make you feel insecure. Contact us today to make your consultation appointment and see what possibilities we can open up for you.

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