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PCA Peels

Boulder Plastic Surgery is proud to offer PCA peels as part of our comprehensive skincare treatments. A PCA skin peel chemically exfoliates and brings new skin cells to the surface to help treat chronic and acute skin conditions as well as discoloration, aging, and scarring. Unlike deep skin peels, PCA peels can be performed over the lunch hour, and you should have no problems returning back to work feeling fresh and rejuvenated.

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What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a type of deep exfoliation that uses an acid to speed up the skin’s natural healing processes. By removing the dead and dying skin and allowing fresh skin cells to move to the surface, a chemical peel can treat persistent problems like acne as well as the long-term effects of aging and sun damage.

Some skin peels require significant downtime and recovery, but PCA peels are a light, rejuvenating process that strengthens the skin and offers an alternative to traditional, deeper chemical peels.

What Can a PCA Chemical Peel Treat?

PCA peels simply improve the skin’s natural healing processes, making them successful at treating skin conditions like

In addition to treating these conditions, your skin will experience a reduction in fine lines, more even pigmentation, and decreased scarring after a peel.

Are PCA Peels Right for Me?

If you have any of the conditions mentioned above or are looking to bring a youthful glow to your skin, PCA peels could be right for you. Your skincare professional can advise on whether you would need a light PCA peel or something that goes deeper as well as which of the available PCA peels are the best option for your skin.

In order to receive the full benefits of a PCA peel, you will need to avoid exercising for up to 48 hours afterward. If you cannot take a break from physical activity, are pregnant, or are lactating, PCA peels are not recommended, but there are other options available.

What Are the Different Kinds of Peels?

There are three different types of PCA peels available:

What Happens During the Procedure?

Different chemical exfoliating agents are applied to the skin to gently separate dead skin cells and bring new, vibrant skin to the surface. Before the peel is applied, your skin will be cleaned and your hair or eyes may be covered, depending on the areas being treated. When the chemical solution is applied, you should experience little to none of the burning or stinging that can come with heavier peels.

How Long Can I Expect My Skin to Flake?

Some people experience light flaking in some localized areas after treatment. Flaking should not last more than a few days, particularly if a proper PCA skin care regimen is adhered to. Flaking can vary based on the condition and type of skin as well as the type of peel.

How Long is Recovery Time and What Are Their Side Effects?

Full recovery time for a PCA skin peel is 14 days, but peels can be performed over the lunch hour without interrupting the work day. Side effects are minimal and can include minor skin flaking and slight discomfort; in order to maximize the results of a PCA peel, specific skincare is advised during the recovery time:

How Often Should I Undergo This Procedure?

It is recommended that each person work with their skincare professional to work out a regular schedule for PCA peels, but refreshing the skin every 4-6 weeks is recommended. Remember that it is important to wait until skin has fully healed before undergoing another peel or skincare procedure.

Learn More at Boulder Plastic Surgery

To learn more about PCA peels and the options available at Boulder Plastic Surgery, contact us at 303-578-4193. A member of our team will answer any questions you have about the procedures, including preparation, aftercare, and anything not covered here.

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