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Looking for Providers of Plastic Surgery Near Denver, CO?

We Provide the Best Plastic Surgery Treatments and Procedures Near Denver, CO

If you’re looking for the very best plastic surgery providers near Denver, CO, then your search has ended. We’ve got two fantastic doctors who can’t wait to put their vast expertise to use for you. Dr. Hartley and Dr. Kuisle have over 30 combined years of experience in providing both surgical and non-surgical treatments to patients. Rest assured that they stay at the forefront of their specialties through extensive research in the latest procedures and techniques, all for the benefit of their patients. At Boulder Plastic Surgery, we encourage a full-body self-improvement plan for our patients that goes far beyond the treatments they’ll receive at our facility. These are just some of the ways we strive to give our patients the results they want with as little recovery time as possible.

Information on Face Lifts

Face lifts are one of the more popular plastic surgery options in Denver, CO and the rest of the country. It’s a procedure Denver CO Plastic Surgery Centerthat’s typically performed on men and women who are over forty years old, and it is intended to improve sagging facial skin, particularly on the jowls and neck, by tightening muscles and re-draping skin. The overall effect is a much more youthful appearance due to significantly less hanging skin. This is a popular procedure for those who want to reduce and reverse the effects of age and gravity.

The procedure itself is not terribly intensive, requiring only four hours and usually being an outpatient procedure (though some patients may require a brief inpatient stay). As for recovery, most patients will feel better after about two weeks. Significant results will become apparent around four weeks, and subtle improvements should continue to manifest themselves for the following six months. This is also a procedure that lasts, with patients typically maintaining great results for five to ten years.

Boulder Plastic Surgery Can Help You Today

If you’re looking for plastic surgery near Denver, CO, then come see us at Boulder Plastic Surgery. We’ll answer all of your questions and put your concerns to rest. If we’re able to count you among our patients, you’ll know that you’ll be in good hands. We look forward to helping you get the exact results that you want.

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