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The 6 Most Popular Rhinoplasty Questions Answered

The 6 Most Popular Rhinoplasty Questions Answered


Being unhappy with the way you look can make you avoid social situations. Many men and women find themselves unhappy with the size and shape of their noses, and a simple rhinoplasty procedure by the professionals at Boulder Plastic Surgery can help. This minimally invasive surgery can offer you the look you want without too much recovery time. Take a look below at some of the more popular rhinoplasty FAQs and see how Boulder Plastic Surgery can change your Colorado look for good.

What is rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves reshaping the nose to reduce its look or size. This can be done to narrow the nostrils, remove a hump, change the angle between the nose and upper lip, and much more.

If you suffer from breathing difficulties, a septoplasty procedure can also be done in conjunction with rhinoplasty. This procedure corrects septal abnormalities, such as fixing a deviated septum.

How much does rhinoplasty cost?

Rhinoplasty is surgery, and it will cost between $6,500 and $8,000 depending on the scope of the procedure. In some cases, your insurance may cover rhinoplasty or septoplasty, so it’s a good idea to contact your insurance provider before scheduling a surgery.

How long does the procedure take?

In most cases, a rhinoplasty procedure can be completed in one to two hours. Keep in mind that this can vary based on the scope of the procedure.

What are the side effects?

As with most surgical procedures, you can expect some swelling, numbness, and bruising after your procedure. This will usually subside after a few weeks, but keep in mind that it can take up to three months for swelling to go completely away and up to one year for your nose to completely heal.

Will I need to follow up with my doctor?

Since the healing process takes some time, it’s important that you follow up with your doctor regularly. You will likely be asked to follow up with your doctor five days after surgery, then two weeks after, then four weeks after, then three months after, six months after, and then annually.

What is the recovery like?

Every patient recovers differently, but it’s important to remember that you will experience some swelling, bruising, and numbness. Your doctor will prescribe pain medication, and it’s important you take the medication as recommended and perform and post-care treatments your doctor mentions. You should be able to return to work and your normal routine between five and seven days after your surgery.

Visit Boulder Plastic Surgery

Our team at Boulder Plastic Surgery has been helping Colorado residents fix their nose issues for many years. Contact our office today at 303.578.4190 to schedule a consultation with our experienced team.

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