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The Acne Treatment Process

Young Woman With Acne portraitNobody likes to deal with acne, but it’s a real issue that many Thornton and Westminster residents face. If you suffer from acne, you want to find a real acne treatment that will help it go away. Laser acne treatment will give you desirable end results. Let’s take a look at the process involved with laser acne treatment.


The first thing that you will do when seeking acne treatment is have a consultation with your doctor. This is a great opportunity for you to talk openly about what you expect from the treatment, and ask any questions you may have about the process. This is also the time for your doctor to hear your thoughts and wishes to be able to create the best possible solution.


Chances are that you may be on medication to treat your acne. If so, you will need to refrain from using this for a few weeks prior to treatment. Your doctor will be able to give you a more specific timeline for when you should stop using your medication, so be sure to follow his or her instructions.

The Process

BBL treatment is quick and typically painless. During the treatment, you will wear protective eye covering. After all, BBL uses light, so this will keep your eyes safe when undergoing treatment.

If necessary, your doctor will give you a mild anesthetic. Most patients do not need any anesthetic during this process, but each case is different. If you require some, your doctor will give it to you before he or she begins.

The doctor will then proceed to start the treatment. During treatment, a light will flash like a strobe light to help kill the cells that cause acne. This won’t damage your skin but instead only focus on the acne. Most patients describe this flashing light as feeling like a small pinch. The entire process should only take about 10 to 30 minutes.


Acne has a tendency to leave scars. Once your acne treatment is complete, your doctor should treat you for acne scars. This will vary based on the type and size of the scars you have. Some doctors may prescribe you a medication while others will want to use laser treatment. Again, it’s best for you to talk with your doctor about the types of acne scar treatments that are available for you and which one he or she recommends.

Contact Boulder Plastic Surgery

If laser acne treatment sounds beneficial for you, contact Boulder Plastic Surgery today. Contact us online or by calling 303-578-4193 to schedule a consultation. Our team has been working hard to help Westminster and Thornton residents achieve the acne-free look that they desire. Visit our blog to learn more about plastic surgery.

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