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Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Information

An abdominoplasty, commonly known as a “tummy tuck”, is a procedure that eliminates excess fat and skin, and in most cases, also restores separated or weakened muscles for a smooth abdominal profile. Even with exercise and dieting, achieving an abdomen that is flat and toned can still be a challenge. A tummy tuck can remove loose or sagging skin commonly caused by heredity, prior surgery, aging, fluctuation in weight, or pregnancy.

Why Should I Get a Tummy Tuck?

The front part of the abdominal wall is made up of a thin inner lining, a thicker layer of muscle, and a layer of fat covered by abdominal skin. There are a variety of different factors that can play a role in the shape and consistency of the abdominal wall. As part of aging, laxity of the muscle wall continues to progress unless exercise levels remain quite high.

Since the abdominal muscles loosen, bulging may occur, which can be made worse with excessive weight gain. Although a tummy tuck is not a substitute for appropriate exercise or dieting, it can reposition structures that have been stretched or displaced to improve the contour of the abdomen.

About the Procedure

A tummy tuck typically takes anywhere between 2 to 4 hours and can also be combined with liposuction for the best possible contouring. For a tummy tuck to be performed properly, the underlying framework must first be addressed.



Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips

You should be able to return to work in 1 to 2 weeks following your procedure.

When Will I Start to Notice Results From My Procedure?

See Before/After Photos

Initially, you may not see the results of your tummy tuck right away due to swelling and not having the ability to stand completely upright while internal healing is taking place. Within 1 to 2 weeks after your surgery, you should begin to see your slimmer new profile.

Pain Relief

Post-Operative Care

Ibuprofen and/or prescription pain medicines should be used following the procedure to aid with any discomfort. You may also need to wear a support garment for up to one month.

Office Visits

You should expect 3 to 5 follow-up office visits in the first 3 months following your procedure. The first will be scheduled at 3-5 days, with the second visit at 7-10 days. Following the first 3 months, office visits will only need to be conducted yearly.

Procedure Timeline

Initial Consultation

During your first consultation, our surgeons will:

The initial consultation is also the time to address any questions or concerns you may have about abdominoplasty. We will discuss your surgical options as well as the anticipated results based on your specific case.

Before Your Abdominoplasty

It is the responsibility of our nurse and office manager to make any scheduling arrangements and to provide you with those specific instructions. Every attempt will be made to accommodate your requests.

At Boulder Plastic Surgery, we spanly believe that good general health is essential to optimal recovery. If you are currently taking any medications or supplements, be sure to notify your doctor, as they could cause adverse effects during your procedure.

We have developed a three phase healing program that you will begin prior to your surgery. This program involves:

In addition to beginning the three phase healing program, you will also undergo routine laboratory tests, which include an electrocardiogram for those over the age of 50, a pregnancy test if applicable, and blood counts and blood chemistries. These tests detect the presence of abnormalities that may affect the surgery or anesthesia.

The Day of Surgery

Before moving to the operating room, you will be asked to stand briefly so that the surgeon can mark the surgical site as a guideline for the procedure. The operation is performed using a general anesthetic.

Once the procedure is complete, you will be transferred for observation to a recovery area. After being observed for a few hours following the surgery, you will be allowed to leave with a friend or family member who will drive you home and stay with you the night of the procedure.

After Your Abdominoplasty

Mandatory downtime is required with abdominoplasty to make sure you heal properly. Gradually, the initial swelling and bruising will resolve. The abdomen will continue to heal over a period of 6 to 12 months.

If you notice any of the following symptoms, contact our office right away:

Post-Operative Care


As with all cosmetic surgical procedures, there are some risks involved with a tummy tuck.


The cost of a tummy tuck can vary substantially based on the patient and the desired results. The estimated cost is between $8,500 to $10,000, which does include the cost of the surgeon, anesthesia, and operating room.


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