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Tummy Tuck Surgery Information for Boulder and Westminster Residents

Your body is something you must live with every day, so it’s important that you have the body you desire. For some people, this includes a strict diet and exercise plan, and for others, it includes tummy tuck surgery or other cosmetic procedures. A tummy tuck can be a great way to receive the exact body you have always wanted. Read below to learn more about tummy tuck surgery, from its cost to its purpose to its procedure.

Tummy Tuck Price

A tummy tuck is going to vary in price based on the desired results. Obviously, someone with a larger stomach who wants to remove a significant amount of fat and skin will end up paying more than someone in decent shape only looking to remove a small amount. Typically, though, a tummy tuck will cost anywhere from $8,500 to $10,000. At Boulder Plastic Surgery, this cost includes the surgeon, anesthesia, and operating room. This may not be the same at other offices, so always be sure to discuss cost when scheduling a tummy tuck.

In addition, you may also want to consult with your insurance provider. Some companies will cover certain cosmetic procedures, so call yours to see if you’re covered before making any appointments.

Tummy Tuck Purpose

A tummy tuck is used to remove excess fat and skin to create a smoother, flatter surface. In addition, a tummy tuck will also restore weakened or separated muscles to create a more firm-looking area. This is a good procedure for anyone with any body type.

It’s important to remember that a tummy tuck is not a weight loss answer. If you struggle with your weight, you should consult your physician instead of a cosmetic surgeon.

At the same time, it’s also important for people to understand the permanence of a tummy tuck. While it is designed to be permanent, it can be counteracted. For example, if you plan on loosing a significant amount of weight, or if you plan on becoming pregnant, you should hold off on the tummy tuck.

Tummy Tuck Procedure

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure. During it, your surgeon will cut an incision into your stomach. Some excess skin may be removed, but for the most part, your upper abdominal skin will be pulled down and then sutured to the remaining skin. Because it’s a procedure, you will require recovery. Your doctor will be able to provide you with more specific details, but you can count on being bed-ridden for a few days to speed up healing.

Choose Boulder Plastic Surgery

If you are interested in a tummy tuck procedure in Boulder or Westminster, contact Boulder Plastic Surgery today. Our team will be happy to help you achiever your desired results today.

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