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What is ProFractional Therapy?

ProFractional Therapy is an exciting new laser treatment that minimizes the appearance of dozens of different surface blemishes. Following your ProFractional appointments, your skin is going to improve before your eyes as acne scars, wrinkles, and sunspots fade or disappear completely. Our team is proud to offer this amazing procedure to all patients who are ready to look as young as they feel.

The Science Behind Laser Skin Resurfacing

Lasers are now being used to treat a wide variety of imperfections and blemishes. When set to a certain frequency, a laser can create millions of microscopic perforations in the skin. The body responds to those perforations by creating healthy new skin cells. The laser also triggers the production of elastin and collagen. Those proteins and amino acids are going to strengthen your skin and improve its elasticity.

Benefits of ProFractional Therapy

This simple procedure requires absolutely no incisions or injections. During each pass of the laser, you will most likely feel nothing more than a brief sensation of heat. Unlike many other laser treatments, ProFractional Therapy can be used to treat multiple imperfections simultaneously. From old acne scars to wrinkles, your blemishes will gradually begin to fade away.

How Many Appointments Do I Need?

Every patient has their own unique cosmetic goals, and that is why we offer personalized treatment plans. You should see some improvements after your first ProFractional appointment, but you will probably need to schedule a series of treatment sessions for optimal results.

Ideal Candidates

The ideal ProFractional Therapy candidate is a relatively healthy adult who is struggling with imperfections on the surface of their skin. Before undergoing this procedure, it is important that you understand all of the details of the treatment. We want all of our patients to have realistic expectations, and that is one of the reasons why a consultation is so important.

Get in touch with us at Boulder Plastic Surgery to get started with ProFractional Therapy. Contact us today for a consultation in Boulder, CO.

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