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What You Should Know About the Breast Reduction Healing Process

breast reductionBreast reduction surgery is a fairly simple procedure for women who want to reduce the size of their breasts for medical and or cosmetic reasons. The physicians at Boulder Plastic Surgery can help you achieve the results you want by removing breast and glandular tissue, as well as excess fat that contribute to large or sagging breasts. As with any surgical procedure, you should be aware of what to expect after surgery so you can achieve maximum healing results without complications. The breast reduction surgery itself only takes about 3 hours, but here are some facts about the healing process and how you should take care of yourself in the days and weeks that follow surgery to achieve the results you want with as little pain and inconvenience as possible.

What to Expect After Surgery

What to do: Medication and rest will alleviate soreness. A support garment will be worn for about 6 weeks to give added support to swollen breasts. Staying hydrated and reducing your salt intake will help with excess swelling.

What to do: Alleviate pain with ibuprofen or physician prescribed pain medication.

What to do: You may need assistance dressing, bathing, or fixing your hair from a friend. You must refrain from lifting anything more than 10 lbs. or any kind of rigorous exercise for about 6-8 weeks to avoid disrupting the incision wounds.

What to do: Keep the sutures and incision areas clean and covered as advised by your physician to keep scarring as minimal as possible. Do not start excessive physical activity before your physician advises to avoid damaging skin that is trying to heal.

While you’ll feel a bit sore and slightly limited for a short time, the total recovery from breast reduction surgery is about 6 months. You’ll be expected to meet with your physician about 4-5 times during the first 3 months after surgery so we can make sure your healing process is going well. Be sure you keep up with your regular visits with your plastic surgeon at Boulder Plastic surgery to ensure optimum recovery.

Boulder Plastic Surgery Takes Care of You Before, During, and After Surgery

The expert physicians and staff at Boulder Plastic Surgery will ensure that your recovery from your breast reduction surgery is as painless and quick as possible. We want you achieve your desired results, as well as have an overall pleasant experience, which is why we take so much time with you post pre-op and post-op. Come into Boulder Plastic Surgery today located at 2525 4th St. in Boulder for a consultation, and we’ll tell you everything you need to know about breast reduction surgery and what to expect for your recovery process after surgery. Call us at 303-443-2277 or contact us online with your inquiries.

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