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Will Kybella Permanently Get Rid of a Double Chin?


Would you like to reduce the appearance of a double chin, but are not considering surgery or liposuction? If so, getting Kybella injections may be right for you. We are proud to offer this innovative treatment at Boulder Plastic Surgery in Boulder, CO, where our experts can administer this fat fat-dissolving injection to help permanently get rid of a double chin and give you a more sculpted chin shape.

Will Kybella Permanently Get Rid of a Double Chin?

Kybella is a fat-dissolving injectable treatment that can help permanently reduce the appearance of a double chin. The injection is made from a naturally occurring substance called deoxycholic acid, which is capable of breaking down fat cells and permanently reducing their size. With this treatment, you can achieve a slimmer, more shapely profile for many months and years to come.

Once the treatment has broken down and destroyed your unwanted fat cells, those treated cells will not return or accumulate more fat in the future. For this reason, the results of the treatment are virtually permanent, and you won’t need maintenance treatments in the future. So if you’re looking for a safe, effective, and permanent solution to get rid of a double chin, our injectable treatment can help.

What Causes a Double Chin?

A double chin is a common cosmetic issue that can be caused by genetics, aging, or weight gain. Genetics play a big role in the development of a double chin, and that is why making lifestyle changes and exercising regularly cannot always reduce the appearance of chin fat.

If you’ve reached a healthy weight but are still bothered by the appearance of a double chin, you’re not alone. Many men and women know that fat cells are naturally difficult to burn and get rid of, especially when there are no specific exercises aimed at reducing chin fat.

Why Is It Challenging To Get Rid of Chin Fat?

When you lose weight, the fat cells in your chin can only shrink and become smaller. The actual number of fat cells in your chin will remain the same, no matter how much weight you gain or lose.

The unique property of fat cells is the reason why stubborn pockets of fat, especially those found in the chin, can be almost impossible to get rid of. No matter how much you work out or try to lose weight, the excess chin fat is likely to stay. Luckily, modern cosmetic treatments offer a way to destroy fat cells and give you permanent results.

How Fat-Dissolving Injections Work

Kybella injections contain a synthesized form of deoxycholic acid, which is an acid naturally produced by the body. In the liver, deoxycholic acid is responsible for helping the body absorb and break down fat. Because of its unique mechanism and function, deoxycholic acid can permanently get rid of a double chin once injected into the right areas.

Once deoxycholic acid has destroyed your fat cells, they’ll no longer be able to grow and store fat. The targeted fat cells are naturally eliminated by your body, leaving you with a more elegant-looking, sculpted chin. Nevertheless, it’s important to prevent any significant weight gain so that your remaining chin fat cells won’t expand.

What To Expect When Getting This Treatment

Number of Injections

When you come to our office for your fat-dissolving injections, we will first mark the areas under the chin where Kybella will be administered. The number of injections you’ll receive will be based on the size or the fullness of the area being treated. You may expect to receive anywhere between twenty to fifty injections.

Level of Comfort

To ensure your comfort throughout your treatment session, a numbing agent will be applied to the target areas. Once the numbing agents have taken effect, we will start administering injections. You can expect the treatment process to last anywhere from fifteen minutes to under an hour.

Recovery and Downtime

Because Kybella doesn’t require any surgery, incisions, or stitches, there’s no downtime necessary. After receiving the injections, you should be able to return home and resume your daily activities. Because the treatment is so convenient and straightforward, there’s no need to block an entire day to get the treatment. You’ll be able to return to your usual activities right away.

Time To See Results

Kybella doesn’t get rid of a double chin overnight, so you can’t expect instant results from this cosmetic treatment. The treatment works gradually because your body needs to take some time to get rid of unwanted fat cells.

Depending on your treatment plan, you may also need more than one set of injections. Most candidates achieve their ideal results by getting two to four sessions, spaced about a month apart.

Will the Results Look Natural?

Because the treatment gradually eliminates chin fat, you can expect natural-looking, beautiful results. There’s no need to worry about sagging skin after this treatment, as long as you have relatively firm, elastic skin. Once the treatment has broken down your unwanted chin fat, your skin will naturally retract and beautifully mold along your jawline. The result is a more delicate, aesthetically pleasing facial contour.

Who Is a Good Candidate for This Treatment?

By permanently eliminating stubborn chin fat, Kybella has helped countless men and women feel more confident about their appearance. However, this treatment option may not be ideal for everyone. We take into consideration the following factors before recommending this treatment.

You Have Reached a Healthy Weight

Cosmetic injections designed to eliminate stubborn fat are not recommended for men and women who are looking to achieve weight loss. While they can help enhance your natural appearance and give you slimmer, more defined contours, they’re only ideal for targeting pockets of fat that fail to respond to diet and exercise.

If you are near or at your goal weight and can commit to an overall healthy lifestyle, you may be able to achieve ideal, long-lasting results from cosmetic injections. Kybella injections are ideal for men and women who are able to reduce fat in other areas of their body through diet and exercise and would like to reduce stubborn chin fat to look and feel their best.

Surgery Is Not a Desirable Option for You

If you are not considering liposuction or any other surgery to remove stubborn chin fat, then you may be a good candidate for Kybella injections. Those who choose to get these cosmetic injections are usually men and women who want to avoid the risks, downtime, and consequences of getting surgery. Getting injections to remove unwanted fat won’t cause significant trauma to your body, and there’s virtually no downtime required afterward.

You Are Willing To Wait To See the Results

Because fat-dissolving injections work gradually, you should be able to commit to your treatment plan and be able to wait for the results. It’s not uncommon to wait for up to six months of monthly injections before achieving a more sculpted chin. So, if you can commit to a treatment plan and wait to see your results, you may be a good candidate for this treatment.

You Are Not Pregnant or Planning To Become Pregnant

At Boulder Plastic Surgery, our team will only recommend the safest and most suitable cosmetic treatments for you. While deoxycholic acid is naturally produced in the body, and will not pose a serious health risk to pregnant women, fat-dissolving injections are generally not recommended for pregnant women.

During pregnancy, your body will undergo many changes because of hormones and other factors. It’s best to wait until after pregnancy to get this treatment, so that you can achieve more predictable and permanent results.

Your Double Chin Is Due to Excess Body Fat

Did you know that skin laxity can also cause the appearance of a double chin? In this case, getting fat-dissolving injections will do little to improve your appearance. Before recommending the treatment to you, our team will carefully examine your appearance to determine whether your double chin is caused by excessive chin fat. Once we have determined that your double chin isn’t due to skin laxity, we can then recommend this treatment to you.

Get Slimmer Facial Contours With Fat-Dissolving Injections

If you are interested in getting cosmetic injections to remove your double chin, our experts can help. Contact us at Boulder Plastic Surgery in Boulder, CO, today to learn whether you’re a good candidate for fat-dissolving injections. With non-invasive treatments, we can help you achieve slimmer, more elegant facial contours that can help you feel more confident about your look.

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