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Rhinoplasty Information

Rhinoplasty & Septoplasty


More on Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty involves reshaping the nose in order to reduce its size, remove a hump on the bridge, narrow or otherwise alter the look of the nostrils, or change the angle between the nose and the upper lip. This is primarily a cosmetic procedure that affects the outward appearance of the nose.

More on Septoplasty

Septoplasty, which can be performed in conjunction with rhinoplasty, seeks to correct septal abnormalities inside the nose that can result in difficulty breathing. This is often used to fix a deviated septum or as a corrective surgery following a broken nose or other injury.

The Difference Between Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty

Common Rhinoplasty Questions

Procedure Timeline

Initial Consultation

At your first visit, our surgeons will:

During the initial consultation, you are free to ask any questions and discuss any concerns. Our doctors cannot make any decisions regarding whether or not a patient should undergo rhinoplasty or septoplasty, but they can advise you about the best course of action and anticipated results. Those that decide to have the procedure will have preoperative photos taken. Surgical fees will also be discussed.

Before Your Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty

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Our nurse and office manager are responsible for making all scheduling arrangements regarding the procedure and will confirm those arrangements with you. We do our best to accommodate each patient’s requests.

At Boulder Plastic Surgery, we believe that good health is critical for optimal recovery. It is important that you tell the doctors about any medications or supplements you are currently taking because they could have adverse effects during the procedure.

Before undergoing surgery, you’ll start a three phase healing program:

Also prior to the procedure, you may undergo routine laboratory tests, which include an electrocardiogram for those over the age of 50, a pregnancy test if applicable, and blood counts/blood chemistry. These tests look for abnormalities that could hinder the surgery or anesthesia.

The Day of Surgery

Rhinoplasty and septoplasty are performed under general anesthesia.

If you have undergone septal surgery, you will have plastic splints in the nose for five to ten days. Some patients have slight difficulty breathing through the nose due to the drainage of material and fluid.

Once the procedure is completed, you will be transferred to a recovery area for observation. That period of observation typically lasts a few hours. After that time passes, you are allowed to leave with a person who will drive home and remain with you for the evening of the surgery.

After Your Rhinoplasty/Septoplasty

To remain as comfortable as possible, you should take pain medication with a small amount of food. To minimize swelling and discomfort, apply ice packs for 72 hours following the surgery.

It is normal for drainage to occur up to 72 hours after the procedure, which will decrease day by day. For patients that experience significant drainage, a small gauze pad can be taped under the nose.

You may also notice bruising, which is normal and should improve within ten to fourteen days. Although we encourage patients to return to normal daily activities as soon as possible, it is recommended to wait two weeks before returning to light exercise. You should be able to be back at full intensity at around eight weeks.


Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips

You should be able to return to work in 5-7 days following your procedure.


“Thank you for taking such concern and care for me — I’m very pleased with my results. You listen to the patient and that means a lot. Your staff is wonderful and everyone made my surgery go smoothly. I had very little pain or discomfort and attribute this to post-op plan and your fantastic skills. I appreciate you very much!” – KM

“Thank you for working so quickly to get my surgery scheduled. Your staff is very professional and well organized–a rarity these days. And, thank you again for seeing me on such short notice. Oh by the way, you do great work!” – DG

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