If you’re tired of hiding your chest under a baggy shirt, it’s time to discover what male breast reduction can do for you. In a quick, safe procedure with minimal downtime, you can get back your lean, sexy and masculine chest.
What is Male Breast Reduction?
Male breast reduction is a surgical procedure that can remove those unattractive and embarrassing “man boobs” once and for all. If you’ve tried everything else to reduce the fat on your chest, if you’ve given up and just started hiding your chest when you’re in public, or if you’ve wasted money on treatments that don’t work, it’s time to turn to a proven, time-tested procedure.
Male breast reduction surgery removes excess fat and glandular tissue to give you the lean, firm appearance you had when you were younger. It may be just what you’ve been looking for to look and feel your best.
What Can Male Breast Reduction Do for You?
You may feel embarrassed by your condition, but you are not alone. It’s estimated that 25% of all men between the ages of 50 and 69 suffer from fat, flabby breasts. In addition, 20% of all men have developed excess breast tissue at least once in their lives.
In the past, the only options to fix this condition were extreme weight loss, exercise and dieting. These didn’t always work, however, leaving men even more frustrated than before.
With surgical techniques like male breast reduction, you can fix the problem quickly, safely and easily. Get on with your life while enjoying a flat, firm, muscular chest with the help of this surprisingly popular procedure.
Benefits of Male Breast Reduction Surgery
- It’s fast, safe and clinically proven.
- It gives you permanent results.
- Most men are back at work fairly quickly.
- Enjoy a firm, youthful-looking and sexy chest.
- You never have to worry about hiding your chest or avoiding certain activities.
- It also reduces oversized nipples.
- Scars are generally faded or invisible.
- Feel totally confident in any situation.
- Get fantastic results in one day with no hormones and no long recovery.
Causes of Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia is the medical term for large male breasts. Many people think that “man boobs” are the result of a poor diet, lack of exercise or other lifestyle factors. In fact, many things can cause men to develop excess breast tissue, including certain illnesses and medications.
Natural Causes
Hormonal shifts. Many things can cause hormonal shifts throughout your life, from puberty to fluctuations in glandular efficiency. These changes sometimes cause a hormonal imbalance that leads to developing breasts.
Aging. As you get older, your body slows its production of testosterone. In addition, your skin loses its firmness and its ability to bounce back. That can lead to sagging skin on your chest that becomes impossible to firm up even with diet and exercise.
Adolescence. Many boys develop breasts when they’re going through adolescence. If you’re a teenager, you should wait until you grow up to have surgery. Your gynecomastia is likely to go away on its own. However, if it doesn’t, surgery is an option.
Health Conditions
Obesity. Breast tissue is primarily fat. Most men who are overweight or obese develop excess breast tissue.
Liver disease. Liver disease can upset the body’s hormonal balance. In addition, medications for cirrhosis of the liver often affect hormonal balance.
Kidney disease. Gynecomastia is frequently seen in people who are receiving dialysis.
HIV/AIDS. Many men who are receiving highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) treatments for AIDS experience gynecomastia as a side effect.
Malnutrition. When your body doesn’t receive the right nutrients, your testosterone levels can drop. At the same time, your estrogen levels may stay the same or even increase. That leads to a hormonal imbalance that results in excess breasts.
Hypogonadism. This refers to any condition that inhibits testosterone growth.
Several medications and medical treatments can cause gynecomastia, including:
- Chemotherapy
- Antidepressants
- Heart medications
- Liver treatments
Essential Oils
Tea tree oil and lavender oil are both linked to breast growth in men. These oils have high levels of estrogen. You should avoid using any soaps, detergents, lotions or cleaning products that contain essences of lavender or tea tree oil.
Lifestyle Factors
Obesity. Overweight and obese men frequently see fat deposits on their chests and stomach. If your gynecomastia is related to weight, getting your weight down can help.
Steroid use. Using anabolic steroids and similar products to enhance strength can frequently lead to hormone imbalances that cause gynecomastia.
Excessive drinking. Alcohol use interferes with the body’s ability to produce testosterone. If alcohol use leads to liver disease, the condition and the treatment exacerbate this problem.
Drug addiction. Marijuana, heroin and methadone users frequently develop gynecomastia.
What is the Best Treatment for Gynecomastia?
The best treatments are liposuction and other forms of plastic surgery. These are the only treatments that can give you fast, predictable and permanent results. We’ll take a closer look at the most common procedures and some alternatives.
Liposuction is the proven, tested method for fat loss. Most surgeons know that it stands alone as the treatment of choice for excess fat anywhere on the body.
Liposuction is an FDA-approved technique that has been used successfully for decades. In most cases, liposuction alone is enough to remove your excess breast fat. Our surgeon removes the fat and then repositions your breasts for an enhanced appearance.
The result is a smooth, slender chest with defined muscles around your breasts. If you’re having liposuction, you might decide to pull fat from other areas like your stomach, back or flanks.
Liposuction is generally an outpatient procedure. Most men are back at work fairly quickly and back to their regular routine in just weeks.
Tissue Excision Surgery
In some cases, you will also need to remove excess glandular tissue. This is especially true in cases where you lost a lot of weight and left loose, sagging skin. It is also necessary in cases where the breast tissue is enlarged.
Tissue excision allows our doctor to remove larger quantities of fat and glandular tissue than liposuction does. It’s also the best choice if your skin is too loose and sagging for liposuction.
Tissue excision is generally an outpatient procedure as well. It does not require a hospital stay and can usually be done without general anesthesia if you choose. Typically, you can return to your normal activities in just weeks.
Should You Choose Surgery?
Male breast reduction treatments will work extremely well to give you the results you want. In some cases, our plastic surgeon may suggest a combination of liposuction and excision techniques for optimal results.
You may want excision surgery to remove the fat and then follow up with liposuction to fine-tune your results. You might have liposuction and decide that you want more skin tightening. It all depends on the unique case.
Our skilled and experienced surgeon is the best person to consult with about your treatment plan. Together, you can form a surgical plan that addresses your concerns and helps you build the lean, sexy physique you desire.
A Note About Non-Surgical Treatments
Of course, we must note that there are many non-surgical body contouring treatments available. These may work by melting or freezing fat cells that your body later flushes out. These treatments can work to a certain extent, but they will only fix gynecomastia if you have a small amount of fat and no skin sagging. They also take a long time to work, and their results are not predictable. You also usually have to return for a series of treatments, which can become a real hassle.
Then there’s traditional weight loss and exercise. Losing weight and doing resistance workouts can help make your entire chest area smoother and firmer. They can build up your chest muscles. However, these exercises can only go so far, and if your skin has stretched out, there’s no way to tighten it again without surgery.
Some men opt to treat the underlying condition. If your gynecomastia is related to another medical condition, treating that condition will help your body regain its hormonal balance. But sometimes, even this can’t undo the damage that was done. In these cases, surgery is required to fix the problem.
There are a variety of topical creams available that claim to destroy fat cells and reduce your enlarged breasts. There are no clinical trials that back up these claims. Even the most positive reviews of these creams state that it can take weeks or months to start seeing results.
Herbal supplements are available that claim to help decrease your estrogen levels. Choline, vitamin E, mushroom extracts and munuca pruriens are some of the ingredients in these supplements. These supplements don’t have any research supporting their efficacy, however, and it’s best to avoid them altogether.
Some people wonder if compression garments can make a difference. The main benefit of a compression garment is to keep your breasts flat. If your breasts make you self-conscious, wearing one can help you look better in your clothes. They don’t do anything to make your breasts smaller, however. And once the shirt comes off, there’s no hiding your enlarged breasts.
What Happens During Breast Reduction Surgery?
If you’ve never had cosmetic surgery, you might be wondering what’s involved. You may be pleasantly surprised to learn that breast reduction surgery for men is typically a straightforward, uncomplicated procedure that can be done in the comfort of a state-of-the-art surgical facility.
Begin with a Consultation
The first step in getting the body you want is a consultation with our plastic surgeon. Our doctor can do a complete physical assessment to determine if surgery is your best option and which technique or combination of techniques will work best. Always be honest about your past medical and health history. Talk about your goals for surgery so that you and our doctor are on the same page and a customized procedure can be created for you.
During liposuction, our surgeon can skillfully remove the fat quickly and safely. But liposuction is more than just fat removal. It is also an excellent body contouring treatment that allows our doctor to reshape your body into attractive, natural-looking curves.
You may have heard that recovery from plastic surgery was a long, drawn out process. Great news! While that can be true for more complicated surgeries, it’s not usually the case for male breast reduction. Most men can return to their jobs or other activities quicker than they initially thought.
Our surgeon can give you a compression garment to wear after the surgery. The compression garment helps you heal. For the best results, plan to wear it for a set amount of time as directed. After that and after a total recovery, you’ll be able to flaunt your flat chest for the world to see.
When Will You See Your Results?
You’ll notice that your enlarged breasts are gone immediately after the surgery. Over the following days and weeks, you’ll be able to see your results as the area heals.
How Long Do the Results Last?
The results are designed to be permanent. If you keep your weight stable and don’t develop hormone-related medical conditions, they will last for years to come.
How to Maintain Your Results
- Stick with your diet and exercise plan.
- Avoid taking street drugs or any type of steroids.
- Don’t drink to excess.
- Avoid personal care products that contain lavender or tea tree oil.
- Talk to our surgeon if you notice any changes to your breast size.
Are You a Good Candidate for Male Breast Reduction?
If you’re ready to change your body and change your life, consider a male breast reduction procedure. This surgery could be the right choice if:
- Your breasts make you self-conscious.
- You’re in generally good health.
- You don’t smoke.
- You’re at a stable weight.
- You want a permanent solution.
Contact Us for a Consultation
Are you ready to look your sexy, masculine best in and out of your clothes? Book an appointment at Boulder Plastic Surgery so that you can get started with male breast reduction. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Boulder!
by Kristi
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Love Love Heather
by Valerie
Category: reviewsI have been seeing Heather for over three years and have been going to the Clinic for over six years. Heather is the ultimate professional. She listens to any concerns I may have and makes recommendations to help me achieve the best skin results. We have a great time together and I love seeing her. The products made especially for the clinic are fantastic and they are always happy to provide trial samples to make sure you are pleased with them. Thank you Heather and look forward to seeing you next month!
8 years of positive and high impact treatments with Heather
by Kimberly
Category: reviewsHeather’s treatments have transformed my skin and appearance. 8 years ago having never done professional skin care, I went in for a free initial consult with Heather. She gradually introduced me to quality skin care and treatments. She takes your lifestyle and goals and develops a high impact, personalized plan for you. No cookie cutter recommendations or high pressure. Genuinely, Heather cares about my personal progress and helps me reach my goals. My skin immediately transformed. And I am still keeping up the facials and peels. My before and after is amazing! Thanks Heather! Finally, I should mention that over the years, she has done many extractions and teen facials for my teens and now continues caring for their skin in their 20’s. Heather cares about her clients and I feel very lucky to have found a rock star skin care expert!
Say Yes to Dr. Maxhimer!
by Linda Connelly
Category: reviewsThere are so many amazing things that I want to convey that I am afraid I won't do this review justice. Dr. Maxhimer and Claudia are a dream team. They are so good at tag-teaming and keeping each other up to date on patient needs and progress that it boosted my confidence in my results during each weekly visit. I had quite a bit of work done - abdominoplasty, blepharoplasty, breast lift and augmentation. Claudia's ability to understand where I was at and what I was feeling at each stage of recovery was so helpful. She was ready with whatever I needed, anticipated each question, but let me ask it anyway, and helped me transition from post-op to healed with such ease that honestly, I was sad at the thought of not having our weekly chats anymore. She is a gem! I have had a substantial number of surgeries in my lifetime - all non-elective, so while I was not scared of surgery, I was very nervous for the outcome. I should never have been concerned. Dr. Maxhimer is smart and super down to earth. He has a sense of humor, he treats you like you are his friend, and he cheers right along with you as you start to see the results during recovery. He is encouraging by nature, so easy to talk to, and I needed that when contemplating massive overhaul at 52! I am now at week 7 post-op and feel amazing. I am so impressed with their servant hearts, their incredible skills and the results that I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. Maxhimer to anyone looking for a surgeon. If I could have a pre-op call with any prospective patient, I would say this: Say YES to yourself. Say yes to Dr. Maxhimer and let he and Claudia take you under their wing for a few weeks of your life. You will not regret it.
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